Gábor Paál

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Gábor Paál (* 1967 in Frankfurt am Main ) is a German science journalist and book author .


Paál studied geography and geosciences in Frankfurt am Main and Edinburgh from 1986 to 1992 . From 2000 to 2017 he made 62 documented contributions for Deutschlandfunk , including a radio feature . Until 2015 he worked as a freelancer for Südwestrundfunk (SWR). He moderated and edited various programs on SWR1 and SWR2 . As a reporter and author, he mostly reported on scientific and political topics and also produced numerous features here.

From November 2015 to July 2019 he headed the current science department at SWR, since 2019 SWR2 Wissen . He is also responsible for the 1000 answers series (“Ask the Paál!”) And the SWR2 archive radio .

In his book What is beautiful? - Aesthetics and knowledge he combines aesthetic approaches from philosophy and the humanities with psychological and scientific knowledge. He analyzed global change and called for geoethics .

Gábor Paál is a grandson of the Hungarian journalist Jób Paál .


  • What is beautiful? - Aesthetics and Knowledge . Königshausen and Neumann, Würzburg 2003, ISBN 3-8260-2425-7 .
  • God's Images - Why We Believe . (Ed. With Detlef Clas), Markstein-Verlag, Filderstadt 2006, ISBN 3-935129-28-9 .
  • Foreign home - migration worldwide . (Ed. With Detlef Clas), Markstein-Verlag, Filderstadt 2007.
  • Poetry is logic - poems from science . Vechta 2008.
  • Does an airplane get heavier when a bird flies in it? Ask the Paál! The best of 1000-responsive.de . Stuttgart 2012.
  • Why don't clouds fall from the sky? Aha effects for the curious . Stuttgart 2018.

Radio features (selection)

  • For market value and research fame , Deutschlandfunk, 2000
  • Bits for the World - Paths to a Global Information Society , SWR2 Knowledge, 2004
  • The programmed psyche , Deutschlandfunk, 2007
  • The last field before the desert - Agricultural research for the arid regions of the world , 2008
  • The global fight against drugs , Deutschlandfunk, background, 2010.
  • Save forests, collect money? - Indonesia and International Climate Protection, SWR2 Knowledge, 2011
  • Foreign ideas - free of charge? Deutschlandfunk, background, June 6, 2011.
  • Changing values ​​- why yesterday was bad, what is good today, SWR2 Wissen, 2015


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Deutschlandfunk - search results , documented articles by Gábor Paál for Deutschlandfunk.
  2. SWR2 moderators: Gábor Paál | Program | SWR2 | SWR.de .
  3. UN climate conference: We need geoethics! | ZEIT ONLINE December 2nd, 2010.
  4. Hungary 1916-56 | Science and media .
  5. For market value and research fame (archive)
  6. The programmed psyche (archive)
  7. The global fight against drugs (archive)
  8. Foreign ideas - free of charge? (Archive)