UMSICHT science award

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The UMSICHT Science Prize has been awarded since 2010 for industry and market-related research in the field of environmental, safety and energy technology and its comprehensible presentation to the public. The prize is awarded by the “Association for the Promotion of Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology e. V. (UMSICHT-Förderverein) ”and awarded in the categories science and journalism.


The award is intended to motivate to promote innovative thinking and action in the areas of environment, safety and energy. It is intended to show that education, research and development in tandem with entrepreneurial thinking offer added value for action. The UMSICHT-Förderverein rewards this with prize money totaling 10,000 euros. The prize money (as of 2019) is divided between a € 8,000 prize in the science category and a € 2,000 prize in the journalism category. Patron is Dietrich Grönemeyer , the chairman of the board of the Wissenschaftsforum Ruhr e. V. and director of the Grönemeyer Institute for Microtherapy in Bochum.

UMSICHT support association

The UMSICHT-Förderverein maintains applied research in the fields of environmental, safety and energy technology. It accompanies measures that strengthen the role of the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology in the region and on the market for applied research. In particular, the coal and steel locations in North Rhine-Westphalia, which are subject to structural change, are to gain access to technological developments.

Award winners

  • 2019
    • Science award winner: Kai Mainzer for his work on urban energy systems
    • Journalism Prize Winner: Christopher Schrader for his work The Ecobalance of E-Mobility
  • 2018
    • Science award winner: Stefan Kippelt for his work on decentralized flexibility options for the sustainable energy industry
    • Journalism award winners: Christian Baars, Elena Kuch, Christine Adelhardt and Britta von der Heide for their documentation on so-called super-pathogens from pharmaceutical factories
  • 2017
    • Science award winner: Michael Saliba for the development of the solar cell material perovskite
    • Prize winners journalism: Till Krause and Klaus Uhrig for the film for the film Superplants - The blooming revolution ( Arte )
  • 2016
  • 2015
    • Science award winner: Lars Heepe for his work on the gecko effect
    • Prize winner journalism: Cornelia Borrmann for her contribution The Body Language of Trees / The Tree as Teacher ( Deutsche Welle online)
    • Journalism Award Winner: Anja Krieger for her contribution Die Entmüllung der Meere. Strategies against plastic in the ocean ( Deutschlandfunk )
    • UMSICHT honorary science award: Paul-Michael Weinspach
  • 2014
    • Science award winner: Thomas Mayer Gall for his work on the recovery of valuable metals
    • Journalism Prize Winner: Gábor Paál for his radio report Rice from Skyscrapers. With urban agriculture against food shortages ( SWR2 )
    • Journalism Award Winner: Bernhard Albrecht for his contribution The necessity (allowed to) that creates inventive ( Geo magazine )
  • 2013
    • Science award winner: Benjamin Simstich for his work on submerged membrane activated sludge reactors (MBR)
    • Journalism Award Winner: Nina Lindlahr for her TV report Land unter - Are the Netherlands sinking? ( WDR )
    • Journalism award winners: Jürgen Bischoff and Jörn Auf dem Kampe for their article Where to go? on the subsequent aspects of nuclear energy ( Geo magazine )
  • 2012
  • 2011
  • 2010
    • Science award winner: Claudio Cinquemani
    • Journalism award winner: Joachim Mahrholdt
    • Journalism Prize Winner: Jan Lublinski

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. UMSICHT Science Award 2019: Award-winning actors in the energy transition. Retrieved July 12, 2019 .
  2. Awarding of the UMSICHT Science Prize 2018 - Fraunhofer UMSICHT. In: July 4, 2018, accessed July 5, 2018 .
  3. Dipl.-Chem. Iris Kumpmann: UMSICHT Science Award 2017: Using nature. Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology UMSICHT, press release from July 6, 2017 at Informationsdienst Wissenschaft (, accessed on July 6, 2017.
  4. UMSICHT Science Award 2016 - Fraunhofer UMSICHT. In: July 7, 2016, accessed July 7, 2016 .
  5. Dipl.-Chem. Iris Kumpmann: UMSICHT Science Award 2015: Geckos as inspiration, trees as teachers, the sea without plastic. Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology UMSICHT, press release from June 29, 2015 at Informationsdienst Wissenschaft (, accessed on June 29, 2015.
  8. FRAUNHOFER INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND ENERGY TECHNOLOGY: Annual Report 2011 • 2012. (PDF) Retrieved on June 11, 2019 .
  9. Arndt Reuning awarded: UMSICHT Science Prize 2011 to Deutschlandfunk author
  10. a b c UMSICHT Science Prize 2010 awarded