Günter Krzysch

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Günter Krzysch

Günter Krzysch (born February 24, 1929 in Berlin ; † September 16, 2000 there ) was a German crop scientist and agricultural meteorologist . He taught at the Technical University of Berlin . His main research interests included studies of the microclimate in crops and the further development of agro-meteorological measuring methods.

Live and act

After completing a two-year agricultural apprenticeship, Günter Krzysch studied at the Agricultural and Horticultural Faculty of the Humboldt University in Berlin from 1949 . In 1951 he continued his agricultural studies at the Faculty of Agriculture at the Technical University of Berlin . In 1953 he passed the exam to become a qualified farmer. He then worked at the Institute of Plant Nutrition, soil chemistry and soil biology at the Technical University of Berlin, where he in 1956 with a dissertation on the foliar fertilization of agricultural crops to Dr. agr. received his doctorate.

From 1957 Krzysch worked as a scientific assistant at the Institute for Arable and Crop Production at the Technical University of Berlin. In 1962 he completed his habilitation at this university with the thesis "The course of soil respiration during the vegetation period and its changes through long-term fertilization and soil cultivation measures" and acquired the Venia legendi for the field of arable and crop production . As a private lecturer in the following years he mainly held lectures on biometrics and field testing . In 1968 he took over the newly created professorship for agricultural meteorology in the International Agricultural Development Department at the Technical University of Berlin . He taught here until his retirement in 1994.

Günter Krzysch's research activities focused on long-term studies of the effects of the microclimate on the growth , development and yield formation of agricultural crops. Using new methods, he determined the carbon dioxide balance , the course of the current transpiration and the dew- wetting in crops. He earned particular merits with the further development of the agrometeorological measuring station set up by Ernst Tamm in 1951 on the test field of the Institute for Arable and Plant Production at the Technical University of Berlin and with the continuation of the permanent field tests set up in Berlin-Dahlem. From 1967 to 1972 Krzysch was a member of the board of the " Society for Crop Science ".

Publications (selection)

  • The nutrition of the plants with minerals through the leaves (foliar fertilization) . Diss. Agr. Faculty of Agriculture, Techn. Univ. Berlin 1956 (typescript).
  • Investigations into the formation of the microclimate in agricultural crops (together with E. Tamm and H. Funke). In: Zeitschrift für Acker- und Pflanzenbau Vol. 109, 1959, pp. 355–383.
  • The course of soil respiration during the growing season and its change through long-term fertilization and cultivation measures . Habil.-Schr. Faculty of Agriculture, Techn. Univ. Berlin 1962. - Partial extracts in: Zeitschrift für Acker- und Pflanzenbau Vol. 120, 1964, pp. 339–368 and Vol. 122, 1965, pp. 108–140.
  • Crop research for developing countries . Symposium on the occasion of the departure of Professor Knud Caesar from active service at the Technical University of Berlin on February 17, 1989. Edited by Günter Krzysch. Series of publications by the Department of International Agricultural Development at the Technical University of Berlin 1999, No. 127.


  • Professor Dr. Günter Krzysch February 24, 1929– September 16, 2000 . Obituary of the Agricultural and Horticultural Faculty of the Humboldt University in Berlin. Information sheet (o. O., 2000).

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