Günther Glatz

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Günther Glatz (born September 1, 1923 in Breslau ; † November 11, 1990 in Hamburg ) was a German politician ( FDP ).

Glatz worked as a teacher at a special school in Harburg . From April 1982 until his death Glatz was President of the Central Committee of Hamburg Citizens' Associations . Along with Hans Iska-Holtz and Michael Weidmann, he was one of the “fathers” of the “Hamburg Citizens' Day”. He created the “ Portuguese Citizens Thank You” award .

From 1970 to 1978 Glatz was a member of the Hamburg parliament for the FDP . In 1970 Glatz, who lived in Stillhorn , was also elected to the district assembly in the Harburg district. However, he resigned his mandate after a few weeks in order to concentrate on his work as a member of parliament.

Web links

  • Glatz, Günther . In: Martin Schumacher (Ed.): MdB - The People's Representation 1946–1972. - [Gaa to Gymnich] (=  KGParl online publications ). Commission for the History of Parliamentarism and Political Parties e. V., Berlin 2006, ISBN 978-3-00-020703-7 , pp. 376 , urn : nbn: de: 101: 1-2014070812574 ( kgparl.de [PDF; 297 kB ; accessed on June 19, 2017]).
  • Detailed portrait at www.buergervereine-in-hamburg.de

Individual evidence

  1. Hamburger Abendblatt of April 28, 1982, p. 5 (news about the election as President), and Hamburger Abendblatt of November 17, 1990, p. 12 (obituaries).