Günther Sokoll

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Günther Sokoll (born June 15, 1937 in Proberg , Sensburg district, East Prussia ) is a German lawyer . He was from 1990 to 2002 CEO of the Federation of Trade Associations e. V.


After fleeing Poland in 1947 and attending school in Westphalia, Sokoll completed his legal training with the second state examination and doctorate in 1965. He worked for WIBERA Wirtschaftsberatung AG, Düsseldorf, until 1969, with one interruption in 1968 when he supported the Interparliamentary Working Group (IPA), Bonn, in drafting the waste oil law , in which the polluter pays principle was anchored in an environmental protection law for the first time .

In 1969 he moved to the Main Association of Commercial Employers' Liability Insurance Associations (HVBG), which was merged into the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) in 2007. Sokoll was elected deputy chief executive officer in 1985 and chief executive officer of the association in 1990.

In 2003 he was appointed the founding dean of the new social insurance department at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences in Sankt Augustin. He has been retired since 2007.

Focus of work

As a result of reunification , the main focus of work was on building up all-German structures in the new federal states for prevention , administration , rehabilitation and research in the statutory accident insurance . Sokoll is listed among the 100 "most important actors in the German reunification process" ( Gerhard A. Ritter ). In addition, he was involved in intercultural European dialogue in the social field. As a member of the executive committee (1993–2002) and chairman of the “Eastern Europe” committee of the Society for Insurance Science and Design (GVG), he supported the transformation process in the CEE states, including all national actors in health and social policy . For the advisory process and as an orientation for the reform states, “Elements of a system of social security under the conditions of a social market economy” were developed at an early stage, which became a “bestseller” in Central and Eastern Europe as a book, and experienced several editions Published in Russian, Polish and English language versions (GVG series of publications, volumes 26, 26a, 26b).

In 1991, Sokoll initiated the establishment of the European Forum for Insurances against Occupational Accidents and Diseases, was a co-founder and member of the governing body of the European Representation of German Social Insurance in Brussels (1993-2002) and represented German social insurance on the board of the International Social Security Association in Geneva. He was considered to be "one of the most prominent spokesmen for German social security, especially abroad"

Awards and honors

Honorary positions

  • Presidium of DIN (1990–2002)
  • Board of Trustees Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Social Law Munich (1999–2007)
  • Presidium of the German Society for Trauma Surgery (1990–2002)
  • Permanent Advisory Board German Society for Occupational and Environmental Medicine (1990–2002)
  • Central nervous system board of trustees for accident victims with damage to the central nervous system (Hannelore Kohl Foundation), temporarily (until 2003) deputy Chairman
  • Expert commission "The future of a contemporary company health policy" (2001-2004) of the Bertelsmann Foundation and Hans Böckler Foundation
  • Honorary Chairman of the Social Insurance Science Forum (since 2015; online )


  • History of accident insurance 1989–1994, in: History of social policy in Germany since 1945, Volume 11, Nomos Verlag 2007.


  • Social accident insurance in Europe, commemorative publication for Günther Sokoll for his 60th birthday, Bielefeld 1997.
  • Social insurance science as an opportunity for diversity in statutory accident insurance, scientific symposium on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Dr. Günther Sokoll, contributions from the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, 6/2007, ed. from the German statutory accident insurance.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. www.h-brs.de/de/sv
  2. ^ "List of the most important actors in the German reunification process" (Gerhard A. Ritter in Der Preis der Deutschen Einheit, 2nd edition, p. 541).
  3. ^ Stefan Strunk: Pluralism, Democracy and Social Security - for a liberal social policy in Germany and Europe. 50 years Society for Insurance Science and Design. Cologne 1997, GVG series of publications, Volume 30.
  4. www.deutsche-sozialversicherung.de
  5. www.issa.int/de
  6. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung of July 3, 2002, No. 151, p. 16 ("Employer's liability insurance association with new leadership").

See also