Fork instead of scalpel

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German title Fork instead of scalpel - live healthier without meat
Original title Forks over knives
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 2011
length 96 minutes
Age rating FSK 0
Director Lee Fulkerson
script Lee Fulkerson
production John Corry
music Ramón Balcázar

Fork instead of scalpel (subtitle: Live healthier without meat, original title: Forks over Knives) is a documentary by the independent filmmaker Lee Fulkerson from 2011, which recommends a wholesome, plant-based diet as the ideal form of nutrition.


The documentary describes how the western diet consisting of too much animal protein, fats, sugar and industrially processed foods leads to typical degenerative diseases such as heart and circulatory diseases, certain cancers as well as type II diabetes and other diseases.

A wholesome, low-fat, plant-based diet made from natural plants such as fruit, vegetables, grains and legumes can not only prevent or alleviate many serious diseases, but can even cure them. Animal products, especially dairy products and industrially processed foods such as finished products, white flour, refined sugar and oils, should be avoided as far as possible.

A number of renowned doctors and scientists are interviewed, such as B. T. Colin Campbell , the author of the non-fiction book The China Study , and heart specialist Caldwell Esselstyn . In addition, patients describe how they were able to alleviate or cure diseases such as type II diabetes, breast cancer and heart disease with the help of a change in diet.

The director, who says he has had a very unhealthy diet even though he feels healthy, had himself examined at the beginning of the film and had another examination after a 12-week diet change. Values ​​such as cholesterol and inflammation values ​​have improved dramatically within this short period of time.


The Chicago Sun-Times gave the film three stars out of four, stating, "This film can save your life."

The Washington Post , on the other hand, gave the film only two out of four stars on the grounds that the film was too dry, humorless and not very charismatic.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Roger Ebert :Forks over Knives review , Chicago Sun-Times. May 11, 2011. 
  2. ^ Forks over Knives review . The Washington Post . May 13, 2011.