Gabriel Celaya

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Gabriel Celaya

Rafael Gabriel Juan Múgica Celaya Leceta Cendoya (born March 18, 1911 in Hernani , † April 18, 1991 in Madrid ) was a Spanish writer.

Celaya attended the Marianist College in San Sebastián from 1918 to 1927 and then completed an engineering degree in Madrid until 1935. During this time he met artists like Federico García Lorca , Luis Buñuel , Salvador Dalí , José Ortega y Gasset , José Moreno Villa , Miguel de Unamuno , Emilio Prados , Juan Ramón Jiménez and Pablo Neruda and published his first in 1935 under the name Rafael Mugica Poetry collection Marea del silencio .

From 1936 he took part in the Spanish Civil War as a volunteer with the Republican troops and was captured in the fall of Bilbao in 1937. From 1939 he took over the management of his parents' company and fell silent as a writer. It wasn't until 1946 that he spoke up again with tentativas . The following year he published the collection of poems Norte and founded the magazine Egan . He has translated works by Rainer Maria Rilke , Arthur Rimbaud , Paul Éluard and William Blake , wrote articles for magazines such as La Voz de España , Manantial and Espadaña and published poetry under the names Rafael Múgica and Juan de Leceta.

In 1956 he left his family's business and settled in Madrid as a writer. In addition to translations of Eluard and his own works, several books were published in collaboration with Amparo Gastón in the 1950s . In 1963 he was awarded the Premio Atalaya de Poesía for the collection of poems Versos de otoño . In 1965 he met the Cuban poet Nicolás Guillén and made two trips to Cuba in the following two years.

In 1968 Celaya was awarded the Premio Internacional Etna Taormina for his poetic work . In 1969 his Poesías completas appeared , in the following year he published with Phyllis Turnbull Castilla, a cultural reader . In 1976 the Real Sociedad Vascongada de Amigos del País made him an honorary member. As a candidate for the Communist Party, he ran in 1977 in the first elections to the Provincial Parliament of Gipuzkoa. In 1986 he was awarded the National Prize for Literature by the Spanish Ministry of Culture, and in the following year the National Library in Madrid organized the exhibition Noticia de Gabriel Celaya . The city of San Sebastián awarded him the Tambor de Oro in 1990 .


  • Poetry
    • Marea del silencio , 1935
    • La soledad cerrada , 1947
    • Movimientos elementales , 1947
    • Tranquilamente hablando , 1947
    • Objetos poéticos , 1948
    • El principio sin fín , 1949
    • Se parece al amor , 1949
    • Las cosas como son , 1949
    • Deriva, Alicante , 1950
    • Las cartas boca arriba , 1951
    • Lo demás es silencio , 1952
    • Paz y concierto , 1953
    • Ciento volando (with Amparo Gastón), 1953
    • Vía muerta , 1954
    • Cantos iberos , 1955
    • Coser y cantar (with Amparo Gastón), 1955
    • De claro en claro , 1956
    • Entreacto , 1957
    • Las resistencias del diamante , 1957
    • Música celestial (with Amparo Gastón), 1958
    • Cantata en Aleixandre , 1959
    • El corazón en su sitio , 1959
    • Para vosotros dos , 1960
    • Poesía urgente , 1960
    • La buena vida , 1961
    • Los poemas de Juan de Leceta , 1961
    • Rapsodia eúskara , 1961
    • Episodios nacionales , 1962
    • Mazorcas , 1962
    • Versos de otoño , 1963
    • Dos cantatas , 1963
    • La linterna sorda , 1964
    • Baladas y decires vascos , 1965
    • Lo que faltaba , 1967
    • Poemas de Rafael Múgica , 1967
    • Los espejos transparentes , 1968
    • Canto en lo mío , 1968
    • Poesías completas , 1969
    • Operaciones poéticas , 1971
    • Campos semánticos , 1971
    • Dirección prohibida , 1973
    • Función de Uno , 1973
    • El derecho y el revés , 1973
    • La hija de Arbigorriya , 1975
    • Buenos días, buenas noches , 1978
    • Parte de guerra , 1977
    • Poesías completas (Tomo I-VI) , 1977-80
    • Iberia sumergida , 1978
    • Poemas órficos , 1981
    • Penúltimos poemas , 1982
    • Cantos y mitos , 1984
    • Trilogía vasca , 1984
    • El mundo abierto , 1986
    • Orígenes / Hastapenak , 1990
    • Poesías completas , 2001-04
  • Essays
    • El arte como lenguaje , 1951
    • Poesía y verdad , 1959
    • Juan Manuel Caneja , 1959
    • Exploración de la poesía , 1964
    • Castilla, a cultural reader (with Phyllis Turnbull), 1960
    • Inquisición de la poesía , 1972
    • La voz de los niños , 1972
    • Bécquer , 1972
    • Los espacios de Chillida , 1974
    • Lo que faltaba de Gabriel Celaya , 1984
    • Reflexiones sobre mi poesía , 1987
    • Ensayos literarios , 2009
  • prose
    • Tentativas , 1946
    • Lázaro calla , 1949
    • Penúltimas tentativas , 1960
    • Lo uno y lo otro , 1962
    • Los buenos negocios , 1965
    • Memorias inmemoriales , 1980
  • drama
    • El relevo , 1963
    • Ritos y farsas. Obra teatral completa , 1985

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