Gabriele Winkler

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Gabriele Winkler (* 1940 in Munich ) is a German philologist (languages ​​of the Christian Orient ), who also specializes in comparative liturgical studies on a philological basis. From 1977 to 1991 she was a professor at St. John's University in New York; Visiting professor at the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome ; from 1992 until her retirement in 2005 she held the newly established chair for liturgical science at the University of Tübingen .


After working in Munich (1956–1964) and Rome (1964–1968), she began studying philosophy and Catholic theology at the Gregorian in Rome in 1966 , and specialized (1969–1971) with a scholarship from the German Academic Scholarship Foundation People at the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome in the field of Byzantine Studies and the rites of the Oriental Churches . The subsequent study of the languages ​​of the Christian Orient (especially Syriac , Armenian , Georgian ) took place in Munich and from 1974–1977 in Oxford, supported by the German National Academic Foundation and the British Council . The dissertation on the Armenian initiation ritual based on manuscripts from the 9th – 10th centuries was prepared in Oxford . Century (1974-1977); she received her doctorate as Dr. phil. 1977 in Munich. While still in Oxford, she was appointed to St. John's University in New York, where she was professor of liturgical science from 1977 to 1992 . In 1987, 1989 and 2005 she was visiting professor for the Armenian rite at the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome . She stayed in Oxford for a sabbatical from 1984 to 1985. In 1992 she took over the newly established chair for liturgical science at the Catholic theological faculty of the University of Tübingen, where she worked until her retirement in 2005.

Research priorities

Winkler researches in particular in the field of comparative liturgical science on a philological basis, mainly on the Armenian rite in the context of the Syrian, Byzantine and Georgian sources. A second focus of her work is the history of the development of the widely ramified lines of tradition of oriental symbols . She followed the process of the gradual adjustment of the oriental formulas to the Greek terms technici, and the effect of this adjustment on the anaphores of the Christian Orient.

Awards (selection)

  • 1976: Nubar Pasha Prize, Oxford
  • 1985: Guest of Honor of the German Orientalist Day , Würzburg
  • 1988: National Endowment for the Humanities , USA
  • 2000: Ceremony at the Päpstl. Oriental. Institute, Rome, with presentation of the commemorative publication: Crossroad of Cultures: Studies in Liturgy and Patristics in Honor of Gabriele Winkler (Orientalia Christiana Analecta 260), Rom 2000, 744 pp.

Fellowships (selection)

Publications (selection)

  • The St. James liturgy in its traditional lines. Edition of the Cod. Arm. 17 of Lyon, translation and liturgy comparison (Anaphorae Orientales IV, Anaphorae Armeniacae 4). Rome 2013 ,. XXXIX + 597 p.
  • The Armenian liturgy of the Sahak. Edition of the Cod. Arm. 17 von Lyon, translation and comparison with the Armenian Basil's Anaphora with special consideration of the Eastern sources on the "Sancta sanctis" (Anaphorae Orientales III, Anaphorae Armeniacae 3). Rome 2011, XXXIV + 447 pp.
  • The Basil's anaphora. Edition of the two Armenian editorships and the relevant fragments, translation and synopsis of all versions in the light of oriental traditions (Anaphorae Orientales II, Anaphorae Armeniacae 2). Rome 2005, LX + 901 pp.
  • The Sanctus. About the origin and beginnings of the Sanctus and its continued work (= Orientalia Christiana Analecta 267). Rome 2002, XLII + 281 pp.
  • About the history of the development of the Armenian symbol. A comparison with the Syrian and Greek formulas including the relevant Georgian and Ethiopian sources (= Orientalia Christiana Analecta 262). Rome 2000, LIX + 639 pp.
  • Koriwn's biography of Mesrop Maßto8, translation and commentary (= Orientalia Christiana Analecta 245). Rome 1994, 452 pp.
  • The Armenian initiation ritual. Historical development and comparative study of the sources of the 3rd to 10th centuries (= Orientalia Christiana Analecta 217). Rome 1982, 476 pp.
  • RF Taft - G. Winkler, Acts of the International Congress Comparative Liturgy Fifty Years after Anton Baumstark (1872-1948). Rome, April 25-29 September 1998 (= Orientalia Christiana Analecta 265). Rome 2001, 1020 pp.
  • Since 2001 editor of the Anaphorae Armeniacae series of the Anaphorae Orientales series
  • The Armenian Night Office II: The Unit of Psalmody, Canticles, and Hymns with Particular Emphasis on the Origins and Early Evolution of Armenia's Hymnography , Revue des études arméniennes 17 (1983), 471-551
  • A significant connection between the knowledge and rest in Mt 11, 27-29 and the rest of the spirit on Jesus at the Jordan. An analysis of Spirit Christology in Syrian and Armenian Sources , Le Muséon 96 (1983), 267–326
  • The Armenian Night Office I: The Historical Background of the Introductory Part of Gišerayin Öam , Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies 1 (1984), 93-113
  • An Obscure Chapter in Armenian Church History (428-439) , Revue des études arméniennes 19 (1985), 85-180
  • Again the Armenian night office and further comments on the myrophores office , Revue des études arméniennes 21 (1988-89), 501-519
  • The Armenian Rite: Inventory and new knowledge as well as some shorter notes on the liturgy of the Georgians , in: Orientalia Christiana Analecta 251, Rome 1995, 265–298
  • On the meaning of some liturgical terms in the Georgian lectionary and Iadgari as well as in the Armenian rite , Studi sull'Oriente Cristiano 4 (2000), 133–154
  • A Decade of Research on the Armenian Rite 1993-2003 , in: Orientalia Christiana Analecta 271, Rome (2004), 183-210
  • Again the 'Third Hour' and the 'Sacred Mysteries' in Syrian and Armenian sources , Orientalia Christiana Periodica 73 (2007), 207–222
  • Some notable Christological statements in Georgian Iadgari. A comparison with related Armenian sources , Oriens Christianus 91 (2007), 134-163
  • Questions about the temporal priority of the Egyptian text form over the longer versions of the Basil's Anaphora , Bollettino della Badia Greca di Grottaferrata III / 4 (2007), 243–273
  • Armenia's Liturgy at the Crossroads of Neighboring Churches , Orientalia Christiana Periodica 74 (2008), 363-387
  • On Enoch's Christian Legacy and Some Problems of the Testamentum Domini , Oriens Christianus 93 (2009), 201–247
  • Unsolved Problems Concerning the Background and Significance of the Vocabulary of Praise in Some of the Oldest Eucharistic Prayers , in: Eastern Chr. Studies 12 (Löwen 2012), 135–172
  • Some of the New Findings Concerning the Armenian Anaphoras and Their Significance , in: Proceedings of the Association Internationale des Études Arméniennes. Thirteenth General Conference Held in the Matenadaran, Oct 9-11. 2014 (Banber Matenadarani 21, Erevan 2014), 35-48

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The theses of both studies have been published: Orientalia Christiana Periodica 36 (1970), 301–336 and (ibid.) 37 (1971), 333–383.
  2. Review of the publication by Persée. Retrieved June 8, 2015.
  3. ^ History of the chair for liturgical science at the University of Tübingen. Retrieved June 8, 2015