Gaetano Milanesi

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Gaetano Milanesi (born September 9, 1813 in Siena , † March 11, 1895 ibid) was an Italian art historian. He is known for his annotated publication of the work of Giorgio Vasari and of documents on art history from Italian archives.

Milanesi studied law with a laureate degree in 1834. Instead of a legal career, he turned to art history and the collection of archival evidence for them. From 1842 he wrote for the journal L'Antologia by Giovan Pietro Vieusseux and also became secretary at his Archivio Storico Italiano . In 1845 he founded with his brother Carlo Milanesi (1816–1867), with the Dominican Vincenzo Marchese (1808–1891) and with Carlo Pini (1806–1879) the Società di Amatori delle Belle Arti , which between 1846 and 1870 was a scientific edition of the Edited artist biographies of Vasari and also investigated Vasari's mistakes. A second corrected edition followed from 1878 to 1885.

In 1848 he became inspector of the Accademia fiorentina di Belle Arti. In 1856 he became a member of the Accademia della Crusca and moved to Florence . In 1858 he became deputy director of the Tuscan State Archives in Florence (Archivio di Stato). In 1889 he became director of the State Archives and retired in 1892.

In addition to his Vasari edition, he edited Michelangelo's letters, the handbook of painting by Cennino Cennini and documents on art history from archives in Siena, Orvieto and Florence. He was also co-editor of the Archivio Storico Italiano .


  • Documenti per la storia dell'arte senese, raccolti ed illustrati. 3 vol. O. Porri, Siena 1854–1856 (documents on the history of art in Siena, mainly from the cathedral archives in Orvieto ).
  • Edited with Carlo Milanesi, Vincenzo Marchese, Carol Pini: Giorgio Vasari: Le vite de 'più eccellenti pittori, scultori e architetti . Società di Amatori delle Arti belle / F. Le Monnier, Florence 1846–1857.
    • 2nd edition as Le vite de 'più eccellenti pittori, scultori ed architettori scritte da Giorgio Vasari. 9 vols. GC Sansoni, Florence 1878–1885.
  • Ed .: Michelangelo Buonarroti. Le lettere di Michelangelo Buonarroti: pubblicate coi ricordi ed i contratti artistici. Le Monnier, Florence, 1875.
  • Edited with Carlo Milanesi: Cennino d'Andrea Cennini . Il libro dell'arte o, Trattato della pittura. Le Monnier, Florence 1859.
  • Edited with Carol Pini: La scrittura di artisti italiani (sec. XIV-XVII). 3 vols. C. Pini, Florence 1869–1873.
  • Storia della miniatura italiana: con documenti inediti . Le Monnier, Florence 1850.
  • Nuove indagini con documenti inediti per servire alla storia della miniatura italiana . Le Monnier, Florence 1850.
  • Sulla storia dell'arte toscana: scritti vari . L. Lazzeri, Siena 1873.
  • The Cafaggiolo e d'altre ceramiche in Toscana . Forni, Bologna 1902.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Marchese, Vincenzo. In: Enciclopedie on line. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome. Accessed December 30, 2018.