Gaius Carrinas

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Gaius Carrinas (* around 80 BC) was a Roman general and suffect consul in 43 BC. Chr.


Gaius Carrinas was the son of the praetor of the same name in 82 BC. He was probably in the year 46 BC. BC, during the reign of Gaius Julius Caesar , himself praetor after he had been appointed heir by Quintus Caecilius Metellus Nepos eight years earlier . In 45 BC After the battle of Munda he was sent to the province of Hispania ulterior , where Sextus Pompeius had collected the remains of the republicans defeated by Caesar, but could not do much against the Carrinas, so that Caesar had him replaced by Gaius Asinius Pollio . It is unclear whether Carrinas was a propaetor or a legate .

After the completion of the triumvirate of Octavian (later Augustus ), Mark Antony and Mark Aemilius Lepidus , Carrinas became in 43 BC. Together with Publius Ventidius Bassus suffect consul for the months of November and December. In 41 he was again active in what is now Spain on behalf of Octavian, presumably as governor of Hispania ulterior, and defended the province against an attack by King Bogud of Mauritania, incited by Lucius Antonius .

In the war against Sextus Pompeius, Carrinas occupied 36 BC. With three legions of Lipara . Later, as proconsul of Gaul , he subjugated the rebellious Morinians and drove the Suebi back across the Rhine. For this he was granted a triumph, which he achieved on July 14, 28 BC. Celebrated. The date of his death is not known.



  1. ^ Appian, Civil Wars 4, 83–84.
  2. ^ Appian, Civil Wars 5:26 .
  3. ^ Appian, Civil Wars 5, 112.
  4. Fasti: [C. Carr] inas ex [G] al [l] is prid. oath. Iu [l.] Triumph (avit), palmam dedit.