Gaius Iulius Commodus Orfitianus

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A military diploma from AD 157 ( RMD 3, 170 )

Gaius Iulius Commodus Orfitianus was a Roman politician living in the 2nd century AD .

A military diploma dated March 10th, 155 and an inscription prove that Orfitianus was governor ( Legatus Augusti pro praetore ) of the province of Thracia around 154/155 . Further military diplomas, e.g. Some of them are dated September 28, 157, prove that he was a suffect consul in 157 together with Gaius Caelius Secundus ; the two consuls presumably took office on July 1st of that year.

After his consulate, Orfitianus was 161 curator aedium sacrarum . Two inscriptions prove that he was governor of the province of Syria Palestine around 164/167 . Further inscriptions show that he was governor of the province of Pannonia superior around 168/170 .

See also


Web links

Commons : Gaius Iulius Commodus Orfitianus  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Military diplomas from 155 ( AE 2004, 1907 ) and 157 ( CIL 16, 106 , RMD 2, 104 , RMD 3, 170 , RMD 4, 275 , RMM 00038 ).
  2. ^ Inscription ( AE 1927, 49 ).
  3. ^ A b Margaret M. Roxan : Roman Military Diplomas 1978-1984 (= University of London, Institute of Archeology. Occasional Publications, Volume 9). With contributions by Helen Ganiaris and John C. Mann. Institute of Archeology, London 1985, ISBN 0-905853-16-4 , pp. 174-175, no. 104, note 3.
  4. Margaret M. Roxan: Roman Military Diplomas 1985–1993 (= University of London, Institute of Archeology. Occasional Publications, Volume 14). Institute of Archeology, London 1994, pp. 293-294, no. 170, note 7.
  5. Werner Eck: The Fasti consulares of the reign of Antoninus Pius. An inventory since Géza Alföldy's consulate and senatorial status In: Studia Epigraphica in memoriam Géza Alföldy, Bonn 2013, ISBN 978-3-7749-3866-3 , pp. 69–90, here p. 78 ( online ).
  6. ^ Inscriptions ( AE 2003, 1803 , ZPE-127-211 ).
  7. Hannah M. Cotton , Werner Eck : A governor of Syria Palaestina under Marc Aurel and Lucius Verus in a building inscription from Jericho In: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik , Volume 127 (1999), pp. 211–215, here pp. 211– 212 ( PDF ).
  8. ^ Inscriptions ( AE 1976, 551 , CIL 3, 10595 ).