Gaius Norbanus Flaccus (Consul 15)

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Gaius Norbanus Flaccus was a Roman senator in the early Imperial period .

Gaius Norbanus Flaccus came from a plebeian senatorial family, which probably came from the Volscian Norba and in the 1st century BC. Through the homo novus Gaius Norbanus to the consulate in 83 BC. BC and thus reached the nobility and had risen further under Gaius Iulius Caesar and Augustus . He was the elder son of the consul from 24 BC. Chr. Gaius Norbanus Flaccus and Cornelia and the brother of Lucius Norbanus Balbus , who soon after him, namely in 19 n. Chr., Ordinary consul was.

Gaius Norbanus' date of birth and the beginnings of his political career are unknown. He was appointed Praetor urbanus by Emperor Augustus in 11 AD . This appointment shows how much Norbanus enjoyed the favor of Augustus, because the office of city praetor was considered the most distinguished praetor position and was accordingly coveted. Augustus' successor, Tiberius, must have valued him, too, because he was promoted to full consul for the first half of the year in the year 15, with his counterpart being the emperor's son, Drusus the Younger . Since nothing is known about his further career and none of the ancient sources say anything about the fact that he became governor of a province or fell out of favor, it can be assumed that he died soon after his consulate.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wilhelm Schulze : On the history of Latin proper names. 1904, 532.
  2. ^ Attilio Degrassi : Inscriptiones Italiae XIII, 1, p. 297.
  3. Tacitus , Annales 1, 55, 1; Cassius Dio 57, 14, 1.