Gaius Suetrius Sabinus

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Gaius Octavius ​​Appius Suetrius Sabinus was a high-ranking Roman politician, senator, and military man who was primarily active in the first half of the 3rd century AD.

Sabinus came from Histonium in Samnium . Before his praetoric career he was decemvir stlitibus Iudicandis (around 193/94), quaestor candidatus (around 201), tribunus plebis candidatus (around 203) and praetor de liberalibus causis (around 206). Around 207 Sabinus was legate in Africa , then street curator of Via Latina nova (around 209/210) and iuridicus per Aemiliam et Liguriam (around 210/211). Around 211 / spring 213 Sabinus was a legate of the legio XXII Primigenia in Upper Germany . He then accompanied Emperor Caracalla as comes and commander of the vexillations ( dux vexillationis legionis XI Claudiae ) in the Alemannic War (late summer / autumn 213). After the campaign, Sabinus became a legate of Raetia . He was governor for only three months (October to December).

In 214 Sabinus became a full consul . The Alimentar Prefecture was apparently the second consular office of Sabinus (around 215/16). Probably at the same time he was practicing the correctura Italiae (he was electus ad corrigendum statum Italiae ). After his prefecture, Sabinus held the governorship of Pannonia inferior . An inscription discovered in 1848 in the ancient counter-fortress Transaquincum in what is now Budapest 's Pest district names him in this office as the founder of an altar for the returning gods. In April 217 he was recalled by the new Emperor Macrinus . Due to the attribution of another inscription to Sabinus, a second consular governor can be expected in addition to his consular governorship in Pannonia inferior. The name of the province in question has not been preserved. Since Sabinus was recalled by Macrinus in 217, it stands to reason that he held the second consular province after the overthrow of this emperor under Elagabal or Severus Alexander , probably before his proconsulate of Africa around 230. At the end of his career, Sabinus became second time consul. Sabinus was both pontiff and augur and thus belonged to two of the four great colleges of priests.



  1. CIL 10, 5178 .
  2. CIL 3, 03429 .
  3. Cassius Dio , Roman History 78,13,2.
  4. CIL 6, 1551 and CIL 6, 1577 .