Gallery grave Wünnenberg

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The gallery grave Wünnenberg was a megalithic grave complex from the Neolithic Age near Bad Wünnenberg in the Paderborn district ( North Rhine-Westphalia ). It was probably destroyed in the second half of the 19th century. The existence of the grave is only proven by a mention of Wilhelm Engelbert Giefers , who lists it as one of several gallery graves in the vicinity of the Wewelsburg . The exact location of the grave is unknown. There is also no information on orientation, dimensions and the exact structure. Giefers only mentions that in 1855 a grave ( gallery grave Wewelsburg I ) was discovered near Wewelsburg , which had a length of about 50 feet (approx. 16 m; actually 19.5 m total length or 16.2 m inner chamber length) and that all other listed graves including the gallery grave Wünnenberg are similar to this. Giefers also states that human bones were found in all of the graves, but he does not write anything about grave goods.


  • Wilhelm Engelbert Giefers : History of the Wewelsburg and the Bishop Theodor von Fürstenberg. Paderborn 1855, p. 12.
  • Wilhelm Engelbert Giefers: History of the castle and rule Wevelsburg. In: Journal for patriotic history and antiquity. Volume 22, 1962, p. 333 ( PDF; 16.2 MB ).
  • Hugo Hoffmann: Status and tasks of prehistoric and early historical research in Westphalia. In: Westphalian research. Volume 1, 1938, p. 213.
  • Kerstin Schierhold : Studies on the Hessian-Westphalian megalithic. Research status and perspectives in a European context (= Münster contributions to prehistoric and early historical archeology. Volume 6). Leidorf, Rahden / Westf. 2012, ISBN 978-3-89646-284-8 , p. 283.
  • Waldtraut Schrickel : Catalog of the Central German graves with Western European elements and the gallery graves of Western Germany. Bonn 1966, p. 446.
  • August Stieren : The prehistoric monuments of the Büren district. In: Communications of the Antiquities Commission for Westphalia. Volume 7, 1922, p. 19 ( PDF; 28 MB ).
  • August Stieren: The big stone boxes of Westphalia. In: Westphalia. Volume 13, 1927, p. 10.
  • August bulls: Westphalia. Neolithic. In: Max Ebert (Hrsg.): Reallexikon der Vorgeschichte. Volume 14. Uckermark - Cypriot loop needle. DeGruyter, Berlin 1929, p. 287.