Galician gaita

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Galician gaita made of boxwood with ronco and ronqueta

The Galician Gaita , Spanish Gaita gallega , Gaita for short , from Arabic al-ghaita ; is a bagpipe from Galicia in northern Spain.


Gaita refers to a number of bagpipes and double-reed instruments without an airbag in Arab North Africa and southern Europe, for example the Bulgarian bagpipe Kaba Gajda and the oboe Ghaita in the Maghreb and Algaita in Niger . In the Maghreb, the names are Ghaita and ZAMR used interchangeably and refer to not only the local but the nordafrikanisch- throughout oriental common room far from the Arabic root consonants zmr derived double reed as mizmar or zummara .


The sack traditionally consists of goatskin or sheepskin ( fol ), today often also made of textile membrane , and is covered with cloth or has colored trimmings. The blowing pipe ( soprete ) has a valve ( zapon ) on the inside , there are also one to three tuners ( drone pipes ) and a melody pipe ( punteiro ). All pipes are attached to the sack by bocales ( buxas, buxainas ).

The largest of the tuners ( ronco, roncón ) is right next to the blowing pipe . It consists of the three parts primo , segundo and tercio copa , the whole formation is called á varado ronco . The ronco is two octaves lower than the keynote of the chanter. On Ronco depends a multicolored fringe string ( borla or Farrapo ), center is a tassel that perilla , present. If the second, higher voice is present, it is called ronqueta . It is an octave below the keynote of the chanter. It is rare to find a third tuner spaced octaves or fifths, the ronquillo .

All tuners are cylindrical and have single reeds ( pallons ), while the chanter has a conical bore and a double reed ( palleta ).

There are different forms of gaita:

  • Gaita grileira , gallego, bagpipe in D with tuner.
  • Gaita redonda , gallego, bagpipe in C.
  • Gaita tumbal, Gaita roncadora , gallego, bagpipe in Bb, with 2 voices.
  • Gaita zamorana , Spanish bagpipe with two voices.


  • Curt Sachs : Real Lexicon of Musical Instruments. At the same time polyglossary for the entire instrument area . 3rd edition Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim 1979, ISBN 3-487-00205-1 (reprint of the Berlin 1913 edition)