Jelly cap relatives

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Jelly cap relatives
Green and yellow gel cap (Leotia lubrica)

Green and yellow gel cap ( Leotia lubrica )

Sub-kingdom : Dikarya
Department : Ascomycota mushrooms
Subdivision : Real ascent mushrooms (Pezizomycotina)
Class : Leotiomycetes
Order : Helotials
Family : Jelly cap relatives
Scientific name

The gelatinous cap relatives ( Leotiaceae ) form a family of mushrooms within the order of the Helotiales .


The gelatinous cap relatives usually form clearly stalked, medium-sized to large apothecia as fruiting bodies , which are sticky and often vividly colored. The excipulum consists of three layers: an outer layer with parallel or intertwined gelatinized hyphae with distant septa , an inner layer consisting of non-gelatinized hyphal tissue and an intermediate layer, which may or may not be gelatinized. The layer between the tubes consists of simple paraphyses . The tubes are cylindrical with a thickened tip (apex) and usually with a blurred amyloid (iodine-stainable) apical ring . The ascospores are hyaline and elliptical or elongated and can be septate or unseptate. A minor crop form is unknown. There is no stroma .


Gelatin cap relatives are common worldwide, but especially in the temperate zone. They live saprotrophically on the ground, especially in damp surroundings or on decaying, dead plants.


Corda described the family in 1842. In 2006, the genus Microglossum , which was previously related to the earth tongue , was also assigned to the Leotiaceae due to molecular biological results. The dirt cup relatives may also belong in this family. The following genera belong to the family of gelatinous caps:



Individual evidence

  1. ^ Mycobank, accessed March 27, 2015
  2. Zheng Wang, Peter R. Johnston, Susumu Takamatsu, Joseph W. Spatafora, David S. Hibbett: Toward a phylogenetic classification of the Leotiomycetes based on rDNA data. In: Mycologia . tape 98 , 2006, pp. 1065-1075 , doi : 10.3852 / mycologia.98.6.1065 ( Toward a phylogenetic classification of the Leotiomycetes based on rDNA data ).
  3. Lumbsch, HT and SM Huhndorf (ed.) 2007: Outline of Ascomycota - 2007. Myconet 13: 1-58. Full text pdf

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