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movie theater

The cinema center Garsas (English Cinema Center Garsas , lit. Kino centras "Garsas" , formerly Sirena , Spindulys and Forum ) is the oldest cinema in Lithuania . It is located in the city of Panevėžys . It has two halls with Dolby Digital Surround EX sound system. There are 741 seats in one room and 80 seats in another. In the cinema center, are Film Festival "Aš + Miestas = Kinas" and other events (such Atmerk akis - kitoks kinas! , 3E-DOX and cinema naktys ) social projects ( Cinema for seniors , Owlet Cinema for children ) and two courses for students of 7 to 18 years old ( cinema lesson and cinema workshop ).

The center with 22 employees is managed by the director Genė Pučinskienė.


On July 14, 1928, Nina Fridmanienė opened the Sirena cinema-theater in her house (Respublikos Street). From 1932 the Lithuanian cinema chronicle was shown before the films on the basis of the decision of the Ministry of Interior of Lithuania . From 1939 onwards, films were shown with sound. From that year it became the "Garsas" cinema. It was the only cinema in Panevėžys. The "Forum" cinema was managed by new owners, Stasys Činikas and Pranas Vanagas. In the autumn of 1968 the "Garsas" cinema was modernized and in 1999 it was completely renovated and the technical equipment was renewed.

Since 2009 the cinema center has been a member of the film network " Europa Cinemas ". From 2009 it was legal form Savivaldybės biudžetinė įstaiga and since 2010 it has been biudžetinė įstaiga . It has been a member of CICAE ( International Independent Film and Theater Festival Association ) since 2012 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Cinema Center “Garsas”
  2. Panevėžio kino teatre "Garsas" - kūrybinė kino virtuvė su režisiere G.Beinoriūte (daily newspaper Lietuvos rytas )
  3. FNE Europa Cinemas - Cinema Center Garsas ( Memento of the original from April 24, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. Management and number of employees
  5. "Garsas" atgimė ne kartą (daily newspaper Panevėžio balsas )
  6. Panevėžio kinui - 80 metų ( Delfi Internet portal )
  7. ^ History
  8. Panevėžio kultūros centras "Garsas" įtrauktas į nekomercinių Europos kino teatrų tinklą (daily newspaper Lietuvos rytas )

Coordinates: 55 ° 43 '54.2 "  N , 24 ° 21' 36.1"  E