Gavriil Ioakimowitsch Lomakin

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Gawriil Lomakin

Gavriil Ioakimowitsch Lomakin ( Russian Гавриил Иоакимович Ломакин ; born March 25, jul. / 6. April  1812 greg. In Borisovka , government Kursk , today Belgorod Oblast , † May 9 jul. / 21st May  1885 greg. In Gatchina ) was a Russian composer .

Lomakin was a choirboy in Saint Petersburg and became a choir teacher at the theater school of the court choir. In 1862 he founded a music school with Mili Balakirew . His arrangement of old Russian church chants for four-part choir made him one of the founders of modern Russian church music . He also composed church vocal works himself and published a choir school .


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