Geertruydt Roghman

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Geertruydt Roghman (also: Roghmans; * 1625 in Amsterdam ; † between March 1651 and 1657 ibid.) Was a Dutch draftsman , engraver and etcher of the Golden Age .


Geertruydt (Giertje) Roghman was born in 1625 as the eldest of six children into an artistic family. Her mother was Maria Savery (* 1598), daughter of the painter Jacob Savery (1566-1603) (some sources incorrectly name Roelant Savery ), her father Henrick Lambertsz Roghman, a copperplate engraver. She was baptized on October 19, 1625.

Her brother Roelant (* 1627) became a landscape painter, her sister Magdalena (* 1637) also a copperplate engraver.

No further biographical data are known about Roghman - the last documented sign of life is from March 1651.

23 individual sheets of her work - etchings and engravings - have come down to us, an artist lexicon from 1910 contains a directory. An etching showing her father Roelant Savery was originally by Paulus Moreelse . She engraved a series with landscapes and villages in the vicinity of Amsterdam based on drawings by her brother.

Roghmann is best known for her series of five sheets of women and girls doing domestic activities, which she designed and drawn herself. These were still commercially published in the 18th century, which suggests a certain popularity of the motifs. In 1898 these five engravings were exhibited at the National Exhibition for Women's Labor in The Hague . A motif from this series was also illustrated in 1915 in the book De vrouw by Hermine Moquette .

Four of the five motifs show the women in profile or from behind, so that the gaze of the person depicted is directed towards the housework carried out, not - as in comparable motifs in Vermeer or Gerard Dou - on the individual faces. A comparison with Vermeer's maid with a milk jug or a young woman with a water jug ​​at the window suggests itself; one author attributes a direct influence on Vermeer to Roghman, whose works were written ten years later. In such - albeit seductive - comparisons of Roghman's works with Vermeer or Dou, it should be taken into account that Roghman's works for the "mass art market", which the painter were high-priced works for individual collectors, as emphasized in a text by the Metropolitan Museum of Art .

In addition, several drawings are attributed to Roghmans, one of which is in the British Museum in London, one in 1991 at Christie's in Amsterdam and one in 2004 at Lempertz in Cologne.

A large number of Geertruyt Roghman's prints are in the Kupferstichkabinett of the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam , others in the British Museum.

Web links

Commons : Geertruydt Roghman  - Collection of Images
  • Geertruydt Roghman. In: RKD - Nederlands Instituut voor Kunstgeschiedenis, accessed on January 30, 2020 (Dutch).


List and title according to


  1. The child murder. J. Robusti. (Tintoretto p.), Copy after E. Sadeler, Qu. Fol.
  2. Roland Savery, painter. P. Moreelse p., Dated 1647, fol.
  3. T'Huys te Zuylen. Roelandt Roghman delineavit. Geertruydt Rochmans sculpsit. I. With the address JC Visscher . II. With: Dead Amsterdam by Gerard van Keulen

A series of 5 sheets of women and girls engaged in domestic activities. Geertruyd Roghman invenit et sculpsit. JC Visscher excudit.

  1. The seamstresses
  2. The young seamstress
  3. The kitchen maid
  4. The spinner
  5. The young scourer (la jeune ecureuse).

Series of 14 sheets of landscapes.

  1. Title page: Plaisante Lantschappen ofte vermakelycke Gesichten na t 'Leven geteekent by Roelant Rogman en printed by JC Visscher. (This plate is engraved by Nie. Visscher; several of the others are marked GR);
  2. De Oude Kerck dead Muyderbergh
  3. De Nieuwe Kerck dead Muyderbergh
  4. De Zeekant van Muyderbergh
  5. Sloterdyck aent Schouw
  6. Sloterdyck aen de Westkant
  7. Sloter Kerck
  8. Kerck dead Sloten
  9. Het Dorp Amsterveen
  10. t'Rechthuys dead Ouderkerck
  11. Het Dorp Spaenvouw
  12. Spaerwouw aen de laegewech
  13. De Brugh dead Maersen
  14. Het Dorp Muyderbergh.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Yvonne Bleyerveld: Roghman, Geertruydt. In: Digitaal Vrouwenlexicon van Nederland, September 17, 2019, accessed on January 28, 2020 (Dutch).
  2. ^ Portret van Roelandt Savery. In: laamse overheid, Departement Cultuur, Jeugd en Media, accessed on January 30, 2020 (Dutch).
  3. Ontdek prentkunstenaar, signs, tekenaar Geertruydt Roghman. Retrieved January 30, 2020 (Dutch).
  4. a b Roghman, Geertruyt . In: Els Kloek, C. Peters Sengers, Esther Tobé (eds.): Vrouwen en kunst in de Republiek: een overzicht (=  Etudes Et Sources Medievales . No. 19 ). Lost, Hilversum 1998, ISBN 90-6550-572-5 , p. 160 .
  5. ^ A b Alfred von Wurzbach: Roghman, Geertruyt . In: Dutch artist lexicon: with more than 3000 monograms . 2 L-Z. Amsterdam 1910, p. 463 ( digitized via ).
  6. Hermine CH Moquette: Het Huelijksleven . In: De vrouw (=  Nederlandsche Kultuurgeschiedkundige Monographieën . No. II ). Deel 1: Huiselijk leven. H. Meulenhoff, Amsterdam 1915, p. 124 ( digitized via ).
  7. ^ Martha Moffitt Peacock: Domesticity in the Public Sphere . In: Jane L. Carroll, Alison G. Stewart, (Eds.): Saints, Sinners, and Sisters: Gender and Northern Art in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Taylor and Francis, London 2017, ISBN 978-1-351-55026-0 , pp. 61 ( digitized in Google book search).
  8. ^ Two Women Sewing, Plate 1 from Five Feminine Occupations. In: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, accessed January 30, 2020 .
  9. Attributed to Geertruydt Roghman (Amsterdam 1640–1657), A seated girl making lace. Retrieved January 28, 2020 (English).
  10. THE YOUNG SPINNER. In: Kunsthaus Lempertz, accessed on January 28, 2020 (German).
  11. Search for "Geertruydt Roghman". In: Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, accessed January 28, 2020 (Dutch).
  12. Search for "roghman, geertruyt". In: British Museum, accessed January 28, 2020 .