Yellow green
color code: # A3FF00
color code: # A3FF00
Yellow green , or leaf green , is a shade that is very close to yellow among the green tones .
- According to DIN 6164 , yellow-green is a standardized color that corresponds to a spectral color of 565 nm. In Ostwald circle he has the number 23. The color was developed by Ostwald himself foliage green baptized.
- In the RGB color system , the hue has the values (163, 255, 0), hexadecimal # A3FF00 (this color most closely corresponds to a wavelength of 559 nm).
- Its RAL designation is 6018.
Yellow green according to RAL
color code: # 48A43F
color code: # 48A43F
- The Swiss color card places the color between pine and bud green .
The color has a somewhat " toxic " effect and is therefore not always appealing, but is not perceived as a warning color . But the fresh green is also a symbol of joie de vivre.
Technically , the color is obtained by mixing a cold shade of blue such as Prussian blue with a cool yellow pigment . As a comparison, one can Färbeprobe the meadow lady's mantle serve.
The coloring of the insulation of an electrical conductor in yellow and green - at least and mostly 4 vertical stripes, alternately colored - abbreviated: ge / gn is the coding of the protective earth that has been valid in DACH for decades.
Individual evidence
- ↑ Conversion of wavelength to RGB with EFG Spectra ( Memento of the original from July 16, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Visible Light Spectrum and Hydrogen Emission / Absorption Spectra