Geltrude Comensoli

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Geltrude Comensoli
St. Geltrude Comensoli
St. Geltrude Comensoli
Born January 18, 1847 ( Bienno , Italy)
Deceased February 18, 1903 ( Bergamo , Italy)
beatification Opened February 18, 1928 and completed in 1939
canonization April 26, 2009 by Pope Benedict XVI.
Holiday February 18

Geltrude Comensoli (born Caterina Comensoli ) (born January 18, 1847 in Bienno , Italy, † February 18, 1903 in Bergamo , Italy) was an Italian founder . She is venerated as a saint in the Catholic Church .


Caterina Comensoli, who had already vowed virginity as a child, joined the Sisters of Charity of the Holy in 1867. Bartolomea capitanio and Vincenza Gerosa in Lovere one, but was still in the postulate dismissed for serious illness from the religious community and returned to her family. After her recovery, she first worked as a maid. On the feast of Corpus Christi in 1878, with the permission of her confessor, she took the private vow of perpetual virginity. In the parish she took part in the Christian education of the children. After the death of her parents, whom she had supported financially, she was able to meet Pope Leo XIII on the occasion of a stay in Rome . to speak in an audience about the planned establishment of a community for the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. The Pope suggested that she also get involved in training young factory workers.

Out of her great admiration for the Most Holy Sacrament , Caterina Comensoli founded the Suore Adoratrici del Santissimo Sacramento ("Sisters of Adoration of the Most Holy Sacrament", also known as the "Sacramentess of Bergamo") in 1882, together with the Blessed Francesco Spinelli and the support of the Bishop of Bergamo , dedicated to eternal adoration and the upbringing of familyless girls. The community started with three young women. In 1884, Caterina took the religious name Geltrude from the Holy Sacrament .

On December 8, 1891, the feast of the Immaculate Conception , the Sacraments of Bergamo received canonical recognition. M. Geltrude died on February 18, 1903. In August 1926, her relics were transferred to the Mother House of the Sacramentine Sisters , where they are in a chapel . The beatification process of M. Geltrudes was opened on February 18, 1928 and completed in 1939. Pope John Paul II beatified M. Geltrude on February 26, 1989; on April 26, 2009 she was by Pope Benedict XVI. canonized . Her feast day in the liturgy is February 18 .


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