General inspection

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The General Inspectorate was in the German army and the German navy a permanent authority of a the top management of the affairs branch of service was subordinated (Weapon) and a service branch.

German Empire

The scope of the general inspection was more extensive than that of an inspection . So existed

Each general inspection was headed by an inspector general who was assigned a staff. The military general inspection and the official title should not be confused with civilian general inspectors and their authorities appointed by Hitler, such as general inspector for German roads , general inspector for water and energy and other general inspectors.

In Bavaria there was a general inspection of the army , to which an infantry and cavalry advisory commission was subordinate.

The Inspector General of the Navy had to carry out official business as such in addition to his other duties on the orders of the Emperor every time . He only entered the relationship of a superior to the commanders to be inspected during the inspections.

In the event of war, a general inspector of rail and rail operations was appointed in addition to those mentioned.


In other states, such as B. France , the general inspection is called the in-depth inspection of the troop departments and military locations that is repeated at certain times. For the generals appointed for this purpose, all of whom belonged to the highest council of war and were to take command of armies in the event of war, the designation general inspector of the army was common.

Great Britain

In the British Army , the Inspector General of the fixtures looked under the supervision of the Supreme Commander (Commander-in-chief) and the selection of the barracks , shooting and training grounds , with the construction of fortifications, magazines, military cars and -Telegraphen, with the promotion of Genius and submarine mining . He also served as an advisor to the Minister of War , as did the Quartermaster General .

The general inspector of the fortress artillery and the coastal defense system had to take care of the regular training and tactical training of the troops under his command, while the internal service, tactical use, etc. was in the hands of the division commanders .

Other meanings

General inspections have been named the higher supervisory authorities for the railway system in some countries (such as Austria-Hungary and Italy ) .

A general inspection can also be a comprehensive and thorough investigation of an organization or complex facility, such as B. the general inspection of motor vehicles by the TÜV.

See also

Inspector General of the Bundeswehr (with other use)