Knobbed turret snail

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Knobbed turret snail
Tarebia granifera.jpg

Knobbed snail ( Tarebia granifera )

Order : Sorbeoconcha
Subordination : Discopoda
Superfamily : Cerithioidea
Family : Crown snails (Thiaridae)
Genre : Tarebia
Type : Knobbed turret snail
Scientific name
Tarebia granifera
( Lamarck , 1822)

The knobbed tower snail ( Tarebia granifera ) is a snail from the family of crown snails (Thiaridae) within the order of the Sorbeoconcha .


Smooth shape

Tarebia granifera owes its name to the shell covered with knobs (from granum (Latin) = grain). The shape of the knobs varies, possibly depending on the hardness of the water , i.e. the lime content of the water. It is more compact than the much better known Malay tower snail ( Melanoides tuberculatus ).


The knobbed tower snail reproduces parthenogenetically like other crown snails (Thiaridae) .


Their natural range extends from southern India over the Himalayan foothills to Vietnam and the Malay Archipelago . In addition, this species was introduced by humans in areas of Africa and the Caribbean . There it is a neozoon that is spreading explosively and successfully displacing native species of freshwater snails.

Similar species

In Asia there are other, very similar species with possibly overlapping distribution areas, such as Tarebia lineata . It is currently unclear how many species the genus Tarebia actually includes (around 5) and how these can be differentiated from one another.


Keeping them in the aquarium is unproblematic, as is that of the needle crown snail . A cross between the two species, which belong to different genera, is not possible. The knobbed tower snail is also diurnal and likes to cover long distances in the aquarium. These "hikes" are not dependent on a deterioration in water quality.

Web links

Commons : Knobbed snail ( Tarebia granifera )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  • CC Appleton and DS Nadasan: First report of Tarebia granifera (Lamarck, 1816) (Gastropoda: Thiaridae) from Africa. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 68: 399-402, London 2002 ISSN  0260-1230