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GeoLIS is the name of a series of GIS - LIS symposia and relevant initiatives that took place between 1986 and 1995 at the Vienna University of Technology . Above all, they aimed at better interdisciplinary cooperation between the 10 or so geosciences involved and led to the founding of AGEO , the Austrian umbrella association for geographic information, and to the "geographic information exchange" in 1990.

The organizers were the institutes for “ Higher Geodesy ” and for “Land Surveying & Geoinformation ” of the TU Vienna, from 1994 in cooperation with the Federal Office for Metrology and Surveying . The initiator and head of GeoLIS I (1986) and GeoLIS II (1989) was the geodesist Gottfried Gerstbach , of GeoLIS III (1994) the geodesist and computer scientist Andre Frank and the BEV president Friedrich Hrbek .

The GeoLIS organization was based on an informal way of working in order not to impair the standardization in the GIS-LIS sector. In addition to the publication of 3 conference volumes and various collaborations between geodesy, geology and geotechnics, it led to the first collection of GIS databases in the German-speaking region (focus on Austria and Bavaria), which was published in 1990 in the form of metadata as the "Geoinformation Exchange".

From 1991 the activities were increasingly incorporated into the Salzburg AGIT (Applied Geo-Information Technology, Symposium and Trade Fair for Applied Geoinformatics), which at that time already took place annually, and ended in 1995 (1 year after GeoLIS-3).


  • Norbert Bartelme: GIS technology. Geo, land information systems and their basics . Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York 1988.
  • Gottfried Gerstbach , Kornelius Peters: Astronomical orientations in cadastral and engineer surveying. Surveying and spatial planning, Wiesbaden 1985.
  • G. Gerstbach (Ed.): GeoLIS I, Geoscientific / geotechnical data in land information systems . Geoscientific Mitt. Volume 27, ~ 250 S., TU Wien 1986. PDF file
  • Elisabeth Lichtenberger, M. Pécsi (Ed.): Contemporary Essays in Austrian and Hungarian Geography . 264 pp., Akadémiai Kiado, Budapest 1988.
  • G. Gerstbach (Ed.): GeoLIS II, Geoscientific / Geotechnical Data in Land Information Systems . Geoscientific Mitt. Volume 33, 316 S., TU Wien 1989.
  • G. Gerstbach, H. Höllriegl, Robert Weber: Geoscientific information exchange. A review of GeoLIS II. Geowiss. Mitt. Volume 37, TU Vienna 1990.
  • Andre Frank, F. Hrbek: GeoLIS III, Geoscientific / Geotechnical Data in Land Information Systems . Metadata and data exchange. VGI, Vienna 1994.
  • Schilcher / Fritsch: Geoinformationssysteme , Wittwer 1989 and 1995.

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