Georg brother

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Georg Bruder (born May 9, 1856 in Innsbruck , † December 10, 1916 in Aussig ) was a Bohemian middle school teacher and paleontologist .

Georg Bruder passed the teaching exams in natural history and physics at the German University in Prague in 1882 . From 1882 to 1890 he was a teacher (professor) at the Communal-Gymnasium in Aussig. 1888 doctorate brother at the University of Leipzig Dr. phil. From 1890 to 1893 he worked at the kk Kaiser-Franz-Josefs-Gymnasium in Saaz and then until 1916 as a professor at the secondary school for girls in Aussig. Brother founded a geological museum in Aussig. He published some communications on paleontology .


  • To the knowledge of the Jura deposits of Sternberg near Zeidler in Bohemia . In: Meeting reports of the Academy of Sciences, mathematical and natural science class 83, 1881, pp. 47–99 online (PDF; 4.2 MB)
  • New contributions to the knowledge of the Jura deposits in northern Bohemia . In: Session reports of the Academy of Sciences, Mathematical and Natural Science Class 85, 1882, pp. 450–489 online (PDF; 3.2 MB)
  • The fauna of the Jura deposits of Hohnstein in Saxony . In: Memoranda of the Academy of Sciences 50, 2, 1885, pp. 233–283 online (PDF; 6.0 MB)
  • The fauna of the Jura deposits of Hohnstein in Saxony . In: Meeting reports of the Academy of Sciences, mathematical and natural science class 91, 1885, pp. 67–72 online (PDF; 591 kB)
  • New contributions to the knowledge of the Jura deposits in northern Bohemia. II . In: Session reports of the Academy of Sciences, mathematical and natural science class 93, 1886, pp. 193–214 online (PDF; 1.7 MB)
  • Note about the occurrence of Microzamia gibba Corda in the turon green sandstones of Woboran bei Laun . In: Negotiations of the Geological Reichssanstalt 1887, 1887, p. 301 online (PDF; 254 kB)


  • Helmuth Zapfe: Index Palaeontologicorum Austriae. Supplementum (= Catalogus fossilium Austriae issue 15a). Publishing house of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 1987, ISBN 3-7001-0948-2 , p. 155 online (PDF; 428 kB)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Matyáš, Jiří a kol., Dějiny Žateckého gymnázia. Schola Zatecensis , Regionální muzeum v Žatci, Žatec 2009, ISBN 978-80-86971-85-8 , p. 88.