Georg Christian Seekatz

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Georg Christian Seekatz , also Georg Christian II. Seekatz (born September 21, 1722 in Grünstadt , † April 7, 1788 in Darmstadt ) was a German painter of the Baroque period and a brother of the better-known Johann Conrad Seekatz .

life and work

“Dreifaltigkeit” by Georg Christian Seekatz, Ev. Bischofsheim Church
"Evangelist Matthew" by Georg Christian Seekatz, Ev. Bischofsheim Church

Georg Christian Seekatz was the son of gräflich Leiningen court painter Johann Martin Seekatz (1680-1729) and his wife, born Juliana Magdalena Kuhlmann , born in the residential town of Grünstadt. The father worked there until 1725 and then moved to Worms , as he received a larger order to design the Protestant Trinity Church .

The father, Johann Martin Seekatz, died in 1729, before he could complete the church commission. This was done by his son Johann Ludwig Seekatz , who had learned to paint from him and worked in his father's profession together with his younger brother Johann Conrad Seekatz zu Worms. In 1747, the two brothers worked together to design the gallery of the Bergkirche in Osthofen .

Georg Christian Seekatz certainly learned painting from his two older brothers Johann Ludwig and Johann Conrad. The latter finally worked as a sought-after artist and court painter in Darmstadt from 1753 , where Georg Christian had also worked as a court painter and court gilder from 1752, but then was clearly in the shadow of his more talented brother.

Georg Christian Seekatz's painting style is similar to that of his father Johann Martin and his brother Johann Ludwig. This is clearly expressed in the ceiling paintings in the Evangelical Church in Bischofsheim , which are among the most famous works by Georg Christian Seekatz. Here he created the Trinity and the four evangelists in rural baroque beauty . The paintings were painted over or plastered over in the middle of the 19th century and were only exposed and restored in 1909, when their value was recognized. Today they are among the most important sights of the Hessian town.

Georg Christian Seekatz is often referred to as Georg Christian II. Seekatz in order to differentiate him more clearly from his uncle Georg Friedrich Christian Seekatz (1683–1750), his father's brother, who also paints.


  • Ernst Emmerling: “Johann Conrad Seekatz 1719-1768. A painter from the time of the young Goethe. Life and Work ” . Palatinate publishing house Landau, 1991, ISBN 3-87629-216-6
  • The Seekatz family of painters; Wäller Heimat, 2004, pp. 119–124

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Website for the Seekatz ceiling paintings in the Evangelical Church in Bischofsheim  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /