Georg Kassat

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Georg Kassat (born March 19, 1934 in Heydekrug , East Prussia , † July 29, 2016 in Münster ) was a German sports scientist . He was a professor at the Institute for Movement Sciences at the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster.

After studying mathematics and sport as a teacher in Karlsruhe and Münster, Georg Kassat worked as a research assistant in the then Institute for Physical Education in Münster and at the same time received his doctorate in Cologne with a thesis on mathematical modeling . In 1982 he was appointed professor for biomechanics and kinetics in Münster. Here he increasingly turned to the task of working through broad areas of the methodology of gymnastics and skiing, movement theory and biomechanics and transferring the results to teaching. He saw the problem that an additive representation of movement phases cannot be reconciled with the variable realization of movements and he found out "hidden movement structures". He wrote a book on math-less biomechanics called "Biomechanics for Non-Biomechanics".

Scientific monographs

  • Georg Kassat: Model for the biomechanical analysis of athletic movements . German Sports University, Cologne 1977 (dissertation).
  • Georg Kassat: Appearance and Reality of Parallel Skiing . New insights for a simplified ski practice. Kassat, Münster 1985.
  • Georg Kassat: Biomechanics for non-biomechanics . Everyday aspects of movement and sport. Fitness-Contur-Verlag, Rödinghausen 1993, ISBN 3-928148-06-0 .
  • Georg Kassat: Hidden Movement Structures . Basic theoretical and practical considerations of movement. Fitness-Contur-Verlag, Rödinghausen 1995, ISBN 3-928148-09-5 .
  • Georg Kassat: Event movement learning . From the jungle of learning theories to the practice of movement learning. Fitness-Contur-Verlag, Rödinghausen 1998, ISBN 3-928148-14-1 .
  • Georg Kassat: ... but the slope turns the skis! The one ski technique and the one-ski method. Fitness-Contur-Verlag, Rödinghausen 2000, ISBN 3-928148-15-X .

Web links