Georg Ludwig King

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Georg Ludwig König (born August 4, 1766 in Celle , † September 16, 1849 in Eutin ) was a German classical philologist . From 1804 to 1849 he was director of the school of scholars in Eutin .

life and work

Georg Ludwig König attended the Ernestinum zu Celle high school and studied philology, philosophy and mathematics at the University of Göttingen from 1786 to 1789 . The philologist Christian Gottlob Heyne was one of his most influential teachers . After completing his studies, König initially returned to Celle and worked as a teacher at the Wiechmann Institute, but the following year he moved to Oldenburg as tutor of the son of the conference councilor August Gottlieb von Berger. There, König made contact with the general superintendent Esdras Heinrich Mutzenbecher , who found him a job as a collaborator at the Oldenburg grammar school in 1792 .

In the following years, König published his first scientific works: an extensive treatise on Roman satire (1796), a Latin translation of Immanuel Kant's legal theory (1799) and a manual on mathematics didactics (1800). In contrast to memorization, which was often practiced at the time, he advocated an approach that enabled students to understand and analyze mathematical relationships. After that, König published a critical edition and a commentary on the satires of Persius (1803).

King's time in Oldenburg ended in 1804 when he was appointed rector of the Eutin School of Academics . Eutin has belonged to the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg as an exclave since 1803 . The previous rector, Gabriel Gottfried Bredow , went to the University of Helmstedt in 1804 .

König lived and worked in Eutin until the end of his life. The University of Kiel awarded him an honorary doctorate from the philosophical faculty in 1817. As headmaster, König organized the expansion of the school into a unified scholarly and citizens' school in 1821. For health reasons, he was released from teaching in 1834 and at the same time appointed to the court council. He remained involved in the school management.

In Eutin, König's scientific work faded more and more into the background. His most extensive publication of this time was the Claudian edition with annotations (1808), of which only the first volume appeared. In this edition, König provided the poet's Carmina maiora with ongoing commentary and synopsis, an approach that shows the influence of his academic teacher Heyne. König's other works appeared as supplements to the school program of the Eutin School of Academics.

Fonts (selection)

  • De Satira Romana Eiusque Auctoribus Praecipuis Quaedam Disseruit Georg. Ludov. Koenig Gymnasium. Oldenburg. Collab . Oldenburg 1796
  • Elementa Metaphysica Iuris Doctrinae Auctore Immanuele Kantio. Latine vertit GL Koenig, Collabor. High school. Oldenburgens . Amsterdam 1799
  • Instructions for arithmetic for community and rural schools . Oldenburg 1800
  • A. Persii Flacci Satirae VI. Ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensitae atque prooemio et indice rerum instructae a GL Koenig . Göttingen 1803
  • Commentarius in A. Persii Flacci Satiras VI . Göttingen 1803
  • Cl. Claudiani quae exstant recensuit perpetuaque adnotatione illustravit Georgius Ludovicus Koenig . Volume 1, Göttingen 1808 (no longer published)
  • Supplements in Euclidem . Eutin 1819


Web links

Wikisource: Georg Ludwig König  - Sources and full texts