Georg Tramer

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Georg Tramer (born October 22, 1871 in Vienna ; † January 4, 1939 there ) was an Austrian piper .


By profession a master locksmith like his father, he was a hobbyist and later a professional who was hired to perform at international variety shows and on theaters and operetta stages. Guest tours have taken him to London , Berlin and Budapest . His followers called him "Tramer-Schorschl". It was said of him that even music experts could not distinguish his lectures from the sounds of the piccolo. A special reason for the admiration of the audience and the professional world was the attributed ability to whistle supposedly in two voices.

Tramer's repertoire ranged from simple Austrian or Hungarian folk songs through opera and operetta melodies to contemporary popular music by composers such as theater bandmaster Karl Kapeller (* 1858) or Paul Lincke . Transatlantic pieces, for example by John Philip Sousa , were also no stranger to him. He is the first art piper whose original sound is recorded on early gramophone records. In 1902 he entrusted his art to the new medium.

Sound documents (selection)

  • The DNB Music Archive catalog contains 12 recordings by Tramer:

Pfeifer-Polka (Karl Kapeller) The Gramophone and Typewriter Ltd., and Sister Companies G&T 49 278 (die number 907 h). Vienna 1902

Czardas. Whistled by the art piper Georg Tramer, Vienna [German. Whistling] Gramophone Concert Record GC-49 274 (die number 950 X-Bo-22)

Thief of the Heart: Song by Adolf Hirsch. Whistled by Georg Tramer, Kunstpfeifer, Vienna. [German. Whistling] The Gramophone and Typewriter Ltd., and Sister Companies 49305 (die number 2435-B-Bo-2 Z)

Under the linden tree, by Hugo Felix. Whistled by Georg Tramer, art piper with orchestra accompaniment, Vienna [German. Whistling w. orch.] Gramophone Concert Record V 29337 (Mat. 12 911 u)

Do you love me / Lincke. Georg Tramer, art piper, accompanied by Schrammel. Odeon Record 302626 (Matr. Vo.673)

When love dies, Quand l'amour meurt: waltz, valse / von Crémieux. Whistled by Georg Tramer, art piper with orchestra accompaniment, Vienna. Zonophone Record X 29 306 (Mat. 12 156 u)

  • CHARM lists 6 tracks by Tramer:

Waltz from ballet “Coppelia” (Delibes) G&T 49 313 (Matr. 6732 a)

Dolores-Walzer (Waldteufel) G&T 49 315 (Matr. 6733 a)

Gypsy song from “Troubadour” (Verdi) G&T 49 314 (Matr. 6737 a)

'S Haneferl. Folk song. G&T 49 316 (mat. 6734 a)

Nem kell a szöke, Hungarian folk song G&T 49 317 (Matr. 6736 a)

all up. Vienna, February 1905

  • Wolfgang Hirschenberger, Simon Géza Gábor: RAGTIME-DISZKOGRÁFIA, Osztrák-Magyar Monarchia 1900–1928. In: Jazzkutatas. January 1, 1999, no.24.

The Honeymoon March v. J. Ph. Sousa (C major) [= John Philipp Sousa] Favorite 1-20 006-D. Georg Tramer, art piper. Probably Vienna, before 1908

Audio sample

"La Gran Via", whistled by Georg Tramer, Vienna. pre-Dog GC 49 505


  • E. Bader: The Tramer-Schorschl. In: Neues Wiener Tagblatt. December 26, 1923.
  • Ewe: Kunstpfeifer. In: Austrian Music Lexicon. ÖML
  • Elisabeth Theresia Fritz, Helmut Kretschmer: Vienna, music history: folk music and Viennese song . LIT Verlag, Münster 2006, ISBN 3-8258-8659-X .
  • Wolfgang Hirschenberger, Herbert Pames: Discography of Austrian Popular Music. Dance, jazz and light music recordings 1900–1958. Vienna 2013. (PDF)
  • Georg Wacks: The Budapest Orpheum Society: a Varieté in Vienna 1889-1919. Verlag Holzhausen, 2002, ISBN 3-85493-054-2 , pp. 109, 157, 256.
  • Ernst Weber: Foreign and Native Elements in the Popular Music of Vienna. Society for historical sound carriers - Alfred Seiser Foundation. Vienna 2010, No. 2, on line at ernst weber

Individual evidence

  1. cf. E. Bader (1923)
  2. cf. Fritz-Kretschmer p. 242.
  3. cf. Ewe in: Austrian Music Lexicon.
  4. cf. ÖBL 1815-1950, Volume 3 (Lfg. 13, 1963), p. 219.
  5. ^ W. Hirschenberger, SG Gábor: Jazzkutatás. and W. Hirschenberger, H. Pames: Discography of Austrian Popular Music.
  6. W. Hirschberger, H. Pames: discography of Austrian popular music. P. 267.
  7. label shown. with Ernst Weber, there also an audio sample
  8. listen on YouTube

Web links