Georg von Gravenegg

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Georg von Gravenegg (* 15th or 16th century ; † 1571 ) was Prince Abbot of the Prince Abbey of Kempten from 1557 to 1571 and before that he was active as coadjutor of his predecessor Wolfgang von Grünenstein . Another name is Georg Freiherr von Graveneck .

In 1562, Georg von Gravenegg issued a new or revised state order for the prince monastery. He also had new paper mills set up to meet the enormous demand for paper in the printing city of Augsburg .

The prince abbot came from the Swabian nobility with headquarters in Münsingen, Württemberg . This sex was raised to imperial barons in 1459 and counts in 1664. The family died out in 1728. The tradition of this family in the prince monastery probably goes back to the year 1481 on the canon Peter Freiherr von Graveneck.

After the destruction in 1632 of the collegiate church of St. Maria , where his grave was, the bones of Prince Abbot Georg von Gravenegg were transferred to the crypt of the new collegiate and parish church of St. Lorenz .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Michael Petzet : City and District of Kempten. (= Bavarian art monuments. Vol. 5), 1st edition. Deutscher Kunstverlag, Munich 1959, DNB 453751636 , p. 17.
  2. Wolfgang Petz: A craft between town and country. The Kempten paper industry before the Thirty Years War. In: Birgit Kata u. a. (Ed.): More than 1000 years: The Kempten Abbey between founding and abandonment 752 - 1802. Allgäu research on archeology and history , No. 1. Likias, Kempten 2006, ISBN 3-980-76286-6 , p. 238f. and p. 256.


  • Friedrich Zollhoefer (Hrsg.): In Eduard Zimmermann, Friedrich Zollhoefer: Kempter coat of arms and symbols including the city and district of Kempten and the adjacent areas of the upper Allgäu. In: Heimatverein Kempten (Ed.): Allgäuer Geschichtsfreund. 1. Delivery, No. 60/61, Kempten 1960/61, p. 135.
predecessor Office successor
Wolfgang von Grünenstein Prince Abbot of Kempten
1557 - 1571
Eberhard von Stein