George Clifford Sziklai

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George Clifford Sziklai (born July 9, 1909 in Budapest , Hungary , † September 9, 1998 in Los Altos Hills , California ) was an electronics engineer working on electronic circuit technology . The Sziklai pair , which he developed in 1956, is named after him. The Sziklai pair is a form of amplifier , consisting of two bipolar transistors , which is used in integrated circuits (ICs).

George Clifford Sziklai first studied at the Loránd Eötvös University in Hungary and at the Technical University of Munich before emigrating to New York in 1930 . He worked at various electronics companies at the time, such as the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) and the Westinghouse Electric before 1967. Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory (LPARL), a research laboratory of Lockheed in Palo Alto , California, went.

In addition to electronic circuit technology, he dealt with various technical subjects such as image processing and developed the Orthicon image pickup tube which was used in early color television cameras for the first color recordings .

Individual evidence

  1. Patent US2762870 : Push-pull complementary type transistor amplifier. Published September 11, 1956 , Inventors: George C. Sziklai, Robert D. Lohman, Allen A. Barco.
  2. ^ RC Webb: Tele-Visionaries: The People Behind the Invention of Television . John Wiley & Sons, 2005, ISBN 978-0-471-71156-8 .