George Willig

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George Willig (* 11. June 1949 in Queens , New York ) is an American building climbers , Stuntman and author , who under the name Human Fly ( Human Fly ) and The Spiderman ( Spider Man ) is known.

On May 26, 1977 , he climbed the facade of the 110-story south tower of the World Trade Center and gained national recognition with this campaign. He had to pay a symbolic fine of $ 1.10 (1 cent per floor). Film recordings of the stunt have been featured in numerous US entertainment and sports shows.

He then received a number of jobs as a stuntman, u. a. in the series The Six Million Dollar Man . In 1979 he published a book called Going It Alone .

In the 1980s and 1990s, George Willig largely disappeared from the public eye and worked as a building restorer in California .

After the attacks of September 11, 2001 , in which both towers of the World Trade Center were destroyed, he briefly hit the headlines again and gave an interview in which he expressed his regret that he had climbed the World Trade Center and thus came into view to have moved by terrorists. He later revised this statement, which he said he had made in the initial grief and anger, and emphasized that he was happy to have climbed the World Trade Center.

Individual evidence

  1. Transcript of the Larry King Show