Georges Le Gentil

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Georges Le Gentil (born December 3, 1875 in Fère-Champenoise , † April 11, 1953 in Paris ) was a French Romanist , Hispanic and Lusitanist .

life and work

Le Gentil attended the École normal supérieure from 1897 to 1901 and was a student of Alfred Morel-Fatio . After a stay in Spain he was an Agrégé high school teacher in Tourcoing (1902-1904), Cahors (1904-1905), Montauban (1905-1907) and Toulouse (1908-1914). He completed his habilitation in 1909 at the Sorbonne with the two Hispanic theses Le poète Manuel Bretón de Los Herreros et la société espagnole de 1830 à 1860 (Paris 1909) and Les revues littéraires de l'Espagne pendant la première moitié du XIXe siècle. Aperçu bibliographique (Paris 1909). During the war he was in Portugal from 1916 to 1919. From 1919 he taught Portuguese at the Sorbonne, first as Chargé de cours, from 1935 as Maître de conférences and from 1936 to 1946 at the first chair for Portuguese and Brazilian language and literature. From 1939 he established Portuguese as a compulsory second language in Hispanic studies.

Le Gentil was an honorary doctorate from the University of Coimbra (1934).

Georges Le Gentil was the father of Pierre Le Gentil .

Other works

  • (Ed. And translator) Camões , Paris 1924, 1979
  • (Ed. And translator) Almeida Garrett. Un grand romantique portugais , Paris 1926
  • La France équinoxiale. 1593-1615 , Coimbra 1933
  • La littérature portugaise , Paris 1935, 1951; (with Robert Bréchon [* 1920]) Paris 1995
  • Oliveira Martins (Algumas fontes da sua obra), Lisbon 1935
  • (Translator) Tragiques histoires de mer au XVIe siècle. Récits portugais , Paris 1939 (ud T. Histoires tragico-maritimes. Trois récits portugais du XVIe siècle , Paris 1992, 1999)
  • L'Allemagne et la guerre , Paris 1940
  • Les Portugais en Extreme-Orient. Fernão Mendes Pinto, un précurseur de l'exotisme au XVIe siècle , Paris 1947
  • Découverte du monde , Paris 1954
  • Camoes. L'Oeuvre épique et lyrique , Paris 1954, 1995 (Portuguese: Lisbon 1969)


  • Mélanges d'études portugaises offerts à M. Georges Le Gentil, professeur honoraire à la Sorbonne , ed. from the Instituto para a alta cultura, foreword (with appreciation) by Orlando Ribeiro (1911–1997), Lisbon 1949
  • Marcel Bataillon in: Bulletin Hispanique 56, 1954, pp. 5–13
  • Christian Charle, Les professeurs de la Faculté des lettres de Paris 1909-1939 , Paris 1986, pp. 132-133

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