Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes

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Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes (born June 19, 1884 in Montpellier , France , † July 9, 1974 in Saint-Jeannet , France) was a French writer and artist .


Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes studied painting. In 1915/16 he did his military service. Since 1916 he has worked on the magazine 291. He was part of the Parisian Dada movement and from 1919 had contacts with Tristan Tzara and Francis Picabia . From 1925 he joined the Surrealists and broke with them again in 1929.

In addition to his numerous paintings , Ribemont-Dessaignes wrote plays , poetry , Dada manifestos , opera libretti and articles for the Dadaist and later surrealist magazine “Litterarture”.

Ribemont-Dessaignes' works for the theater include pieces such as “L'Empereur de Chine” (1916), “Le Serin Muet” (1919) and the opera libretto “Les larmes de couteau” (1928) (music: Bohuslav Martinů ). He also wrote novels such as "L'Autruche aux yeux clos" (1924), "Ariane" (1925), "Le Bar du lendemain" (1927), "Céleste Ugolin" (1928) or "Monsieur Jean ou l'Amour absolu "(1934).


  • Mel Gordon (Ed.) (2001): Dada Performance. New York: PAJ Publications, ISBN 1-55554-011-2
  • Peter France (Ed.) (1995): The New Oxford Companion to Literature in French. Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-866125-8
  • Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes (1958): Déjà Jadis Ou Du Mouvement Dada à L Espace Abstrait


  • Recording of the opera “Les larmes de couteau” by Martinů on CD with a commentary by Aleš Březina . Published by Supraphon (1999)

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