Georges Sadoul

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Georges Sadoul (born February 4, 1904 in Nancy , † October 13, 1967 in Paris ) was a French journalist and screenwriter.


Sadoul completed his training at the Sorbonne and IDHEC . He worked as a journalist for the Lettres Françaises , and as a temporary member of the Surrealists wrote for their journalistic organs. Sadoul is best known as the author of encyclopedias on film and filmmakers, including l'Histoire générale du cinéma , a six-volume work on the history of cinema and biographies of the film pioneers Georges Méliès and Dsiga Wertow .


  • 1957: La Seine a rencontré Paris


  • This is Chaplin! His life. His films. His time. Vienna: Globus Verlag 1954
  • History of cinematography. Vienna: Schönbrunn-Verlag 1957
  • Gérard Philipe. Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1960

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