Georgi Stamatov

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Georgi Stamatov

Georgi Porfiriew Stamatow ( Bulgarian Георги Порфириев Стаматов ; born June 6, 1869 in Tiraspol , † November 9, 1942 in Sofia ) was a Bulgarian writer.

Stamatow studied law and worked in the judiciary.

As a writer, he often wrote sarcastic and laconic narratives in the style of critical realism , which were set in the milieu of officers, politicians, entrepreneurs, officials and artists. An important issue for him was the negotiability of love in relation to marriage.

Works (selection)

  • Ordinance Dimo , 1899
  • Wiryanov , 1922
  • The Nirsanovs , 1927
  • Little Sodom , 1929
  • At anchor , published posthumously in 1948


Web links

Commons : Georgi Stamatow  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files