Gerd Heinrich von Below

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Gerd Heinrich von Below (* 1676 ; † 1743 in Stettin ) was a Prussian legal counsel. He was President of the Stargard Court .


He came from the noble Pomeranian family von Below . His father Eccard von Below (* 1638; † 1689) was a district administrator and governor in the Stolp district . His mother Sophie Elisabeth was born by Wobeser . His younger brother Heino Friedrich von Below became district administrator of the Schlawe-Pollnow district.

Gerd Heinrich von Below studied at the University of Frankfurt (Oder) from 1691 . He was heir to Peest and Palow ; to be precise, the family owned Peest (b) and Palow (a).

In 1729 he became President of the Stargard Court . When the court was moved to Stettin in 1739, he remained its president. In 1740/1741 he suffered a stroke and died in 1743.

He was married to Eva Tugendreich von Schöning . His son Johann Bogislav von Below (* 1716, † 1775) was tax councilor for the Brandenburg districts of Ruppin and Barnim. After Gerd Heinrich von Below's death, the goods Peest (b) and Palow (a) were inherited by his younger brother, District Administrator Heino Friedrich von Below .


  • Rolf Straubel : Biographical manual of the Prussian administrative and judicial officials 1740–1806 / 15 . In: Historical Commission to Berlin (Ed.): Individual publications . 85. KG Saur Verlag, Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-598-23229-9 , pp. 56 ( limited preview in the Google book search - in the articles about the brother Heino Friedrich von Below and the son Johann Bogislav von Below).


  1. Ludwig Wilhelm Brüggemann : Detailed description of the current state of the Königl. Prussian Duchy of Vor and Hinter Pomerania . Part II, Volume 2. Stettin 1784, p. 880 Online .