Heino Friedrich von Below

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Heino Friedrich von Below , also Heinrich Friedrich von Below , (* August 17, 1681 , † June 29, 1750 ) was a Prussian district administrator . Until 1749 he was in charge of the Schlawe-Pollnow district in Western Pomerania .


He came from the noble Pomeranian family von Below . His father Eccard von Below (* 1638; † 1689) was a district administrator and governor in the Stolp district . His mother Sophie Elisabeth was born by Wobeser . His brother Gerd Heinrich von Below became president of the Stardard court .

Heino Friedrich von Below studied from 1702 at the University of Frankfurt (Oder) .

He became district administrator of the Schlawe-Pollnow district . After the death of his brother, court president Gerd Heinrich von Below, he inherited the Peest and Palow estates in 1743 , more precisely Peest (b) and Palow (a). At the beginning of 1749 he was removed from his office ("cashed") because he had withheld funds. Franz Christian von Glasenapp succeeded him in office .

He was married to Charlotte Louise von Wobeser. The marriage resulted in two sons: Gerd Bogislav von Below (* 1726; † 1786), who rose to colonel in the Prussian army, and Hans Ludwig von Below (* 1734; † 1785).


  • Rolf Straubel : Biographical manual of the Prussian administrative and judicial officials 1740–1806 / 15 . In: Historical Commission to Berlin (Ed.): Individual publications . 85. KG Saur Verlag, Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-598-23229-9 , pp. 56 ( limited preview in Google Book search).


  1. Ludwig Wilhelm Brüggemann : Detailed description of the current state of the Königl. Prussian Duchy of Vor and Hinter Pomerania . Part II, Volume 2. Stettin 1784, p. 880 Online .