Gabriel Otto von Schmeling

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Gabriel Otto von Schmeling (born April 24, 1747 in Danzig ; † April 13, 1826 in Berlin ) was district administrator of the Schlawe district in Western Pomerania .

He came from the noble Pomeranian family von Schmeling . His father was Carl von Schmeling (* 1704, † 1764), his mother was Johanne Louise Renate, born von Diringshofen .

Gabriel Otto von Schmeling was tutored first in Danzig by private tutors, then in Frankfurt an der Oder by a field preacher in the regiment of Diringshofen . From 1767 to 1770 he studied at the University of Frankfurt (Oder) .

Schmeling initially chose the camera service: after an internship with the Finance Councilor Franz Balthasar Schönberg von Brenkenhoff , he became a trainee lawyer at the Pomeranian War and Domain Chamber in Stettin in 1771 . Here he only just passed his major exam in 1775.

Thereupon Schmeling became in 1775 as the successor of Otto Felix Friedrich von Kameke district administrator of the district of Schlawe . He held the office until 1808; his successor in office was Friedrich George Wilhelm von Below .

In 1780 Schmeling bought Gut Rötzenhagen C, located in the Schlawe district, subject to re-purchase for 25 years. He owned it until 1810.

Schmeling was married to Marie Charlotte, born in Diringshofen . Several children were born from the marriage.


  • Rolf Straubel : Biographical manual of the Prussian administrative and judicial officials 1740–1806 / 15 . In: Historical Commission to Berlin (Ed.): Individual publications . 85. KG Saur Verlag, Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-598-23229-9 , pp. 885–886 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).


  1. ^ Manfred Vollack : The administration of the district. In: Manfred Vollack (Ed.): The Schlawe district - A Pomeranian home book . Volume 1: The circle as a whole . Husum 1986, ISBN 3-88042-239-7 , p. 244.
  2. Ludwig Wilhelm Brüggemann : Detailed description of the current state of the Königl. Prussian Duchy of Western and Western Pomerania . Part II, Volume 2. Stettin 1784, p. 887 ( online ).