Gerd Sandstede

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Gerd Sandstede (born February 5, 1929 in Oldenburg (Oldenburg) ) is a German chemist .

life and work

From 1949 Sandstede studied physics and chemistry at the Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main in the working group of Professor Hermann Hartmann . The dissertation was on the thermodynamics of interfaces.

In 1955 he went to the Battelle Institute , where he started researching fuel cells in 1958 . At ACHEMA in 1969, he presented the first methanol reformer with a fuel cell.

Sandstede was a member of many scientific associations and committees, such as the ETG Technical Committee on Fuel Cells, and he was also a lecturer at the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. From 1991 to 2007 Sandstede was president of the Physikalischer Verein in Frankfurt, and since 2007 he has been honorary president of the association.

He has received numerous prizes and awards. In 2005 he was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit, as well as the ACHEMA plaque and the DECHEMA medal . In 2015 an asteroid was named after him: (241136) Sandstede .

Individual evidence

  1. Properties of the asteroid (241136) Sandstede in the JPL Small-Body Database. Retrieved June 12, 2015 .

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