Gerhard Haupt

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Gerhard Haupt (born April 27, 1919 ) was a German football player who played first division football in Altenburg in the 1950s .

Athletic career

When in September 1949 by the German Sports Committee of the German Democratic Republic was founded as the highest soccer league DS-League , later the GDR Oberliga , went into its first season, was also the Central Sports Association (ZSG) Altenburg Nord it. The 30-year-old Gerhard Haupt was one of their players. He was at home in the opening game of the ZSG against the company sports community (BSG) KWU Erfurt and was used as a striker in the 1-1 draw. With interruptions, Haupt came up to and including the ninth game day on seven missions, mostly again in attack. After a long break, he played again on the 22nd and 23rd matchdays as a striker, so that he was called up nine times in the 26th league games. While Haupt was no longer in the Altenburger squad from the 1950/51 season, he was used again in three league games, twice as a defender, once in the first half of the 1951/52 season, in which the BSG took on as Stahl Altenburg in the midfield. The 32-year-old then finally ended his career in higher-class football.


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