Gerhard Ludwig Binz

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Gerhard Ludwig Binz (born March 29, 1895 in Oelsnitz , † October 4, 1963 in Stuttgart ) was a German lawyer, writer and functionary during the National Socialist era .


Gerhard Ludwig Binz was a volunteer in the First World War from 1914 to 1919 and a member of the Freikorps after the war . After the war he studied from 1920 in Würzburg and Munich Law , where he a member of the Corps Palatia Munich was. He joined the NSDAP on May 1, 1930 . He was the editor of the Völkischer Beobachter . Binz was also one of the important authors in the early stages of the National Socialist monthly issue . In 1930 his publication Das Judentum in der National Socialist Rechtsordnung appeared here , with which he provided the basic concept for National Socialist Jewish policy.

From March 16 to May 15, 1933 he worked in the Bavarian State Ministry under Reich Governor Franz Ritter von Epp . From August 1933, Binz headed Main Department II, Internal Defense Policy, as SA-Oberführer and Ministerialreferent in the Defense Policy Office of the NSDAP . Furthermore, Binz was one of the founding members of the Academy for German Law . From 1937 he worked as a lecturer for military intellectual literature in the Reich Office for the Promotion of German Literature .

After the end of the Second World War, his writings became Palatinate in the war in the Soviet occupation zone . 1914–1918 (Corps Palatia, Munich 1928), The research into the foundations of the defense (Dupont, Munich 1935) and the formation of the defense principle were placed on the list of literature to be segregated .

After the war, Binz remained true to the issue of military policy. He was a long-time employee of the magazine Wehrkunde , the organ of the Society for Wehrkunde . In his 1961 justification of a systematic "defense research" based on ideas of the "defense sciences" from the 1930s, Binz tried to identify individual universal "defense factors".


  • Gerhard Ludwig Binz. In: Werner Schubert: Sources for the reform of criminal and criminal procedure law: 1st reading: Special part (killing, abortion, bodily harm, insults, state security offenses) , volume 2. Walter de Gruyter 1988, ISBN 3-11-011694-4 , p . XX (short biography)

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Individual evidence

  1. Wilfried Scharf: National Socialist monthly books (1930-1944) In: Heinz-Dietrich Fischer (Hrsg.): German magazines from the 17th to the 20th century. Verlag Documentation, Pullach near Munich 1973, ISBN 3-7940-3603-4 , p. 413.
  2. Wolfram Meyer zu Uptrup: Fight against the "Jewish World Conspiracy": Propaganda and Anti-Semitism of the National Socialists 1919 to 1945. Metropol Verlag, Berlin 2003, ISBN 3-932482-83-2 , pp. 219, 321, 331.
  3. ^ Yearbook of the Academy for German Law , 1st year 1933/34. Edited by Hans Frank. (Munich, Berlin, Leipzig: Schweitzer Verlag), p. 252
  4. Wolf, Munich 1940.
  5. ^ German administration for popular education in the Soviet zone of occupation: List of the literature to be sorted out . Second addendum. Deutscher Zentralverlag, Berlin 1948, pp. 16–44.
  6. Winfried Mönch: decisive battle «Invasion» 1944? Prognoses and diagnoses. Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-515-07884-3 , p. 28.