Gerhard Naegele

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Gerhard Naegele (born January 23, 1948 in Berlin ) is a German economist . He is currently director of the Gerontology Research Association at the University of Dortmund .


After an apprenticeship as an industrial clerk, Naegele studied economics and social sciences at the University of Cologne . In 1973 he completed his studies there with a degree in economics and was then until 1977 assistant at the seminar for social policy and research employee at the Institute for Social Research and Social Policy in Cologne ; from 1976 to 1981 as a managing board member.

In 1976 he received his doctorate at the University of Cologne on "Social Inequality in Old Age" and in 1992 his habilitation on the topic: "Getting older in the world of work" at the University of Kassel . From 1981 to 1992 he was professor for communal social policy as well as administration and organization of social services in the department of social work at the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences .

Since 1992 Naegele has held the chair for social gerontology at the University of Dortmund and director of the institute for gerontology with the research focus on social policy, social services, care, social gerontology, older workers and life course research. In May 2003 the then minister of the BMFSFJ , Renate Schmidt , appointed Gerhard Naegele as a member of the expert commission for the 5th report of the federal government on the elderly . He also contributed to the Federal Government's 6th report on the elderly, which was presented in November 2010. Gerhard Naegele was also an expert member of the inquiry commissionSituation and future of care in North Rhine-Westphalia ” in the North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament from 2004 to 2006 .


  • 2009 Max-Bürger-Preis of the German Society for Gerontology and Geriatrics


  • Short biography of Gerhard Naegele
  • G. Naegele: Between work and retirement: social opportunities and risks of older workers.
  • G. Naegele: Retirement policy and challenges of demographic change in the world of work. The example of Germany. In: M. von Cranach, H.-D. Schneider et al. (Hrsg.): Older people in the company. Opportunities, risks, models. Bern 2004, ISBN 3-258-06615-9 , pp. 189–222.
  • G. Naegele: Design task of demographic change. In: Health Service. 1 + 2/2004.
  • G. Baker, G. Naegele, R. Bispinck, K. Hofemann, J. Neubauer: Social policy and social situation in Germany. 2 volumes. 4th edition, Wiesbaden 2007.
  • G. Naegele, S. Hamdorf (Hrsg.): Reform of the long-term care insurance - effects on those in need of care and the carers. Munster 2007.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Sozialpolitik aktuell , accessed on January 2, 2014.
  2. ^ Fifth report on the situation of the older generation in the Federal Republic of Germany. at: , accessed on January 2, 2014.