Ulfa Court

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The Ulfa court was an office of the Barons of Pretlack .


In the Middle Ages and early modern times , offices were a level between the municipalities and the sovereign rulership . The functions of administration and jurisdiction were not separated here. The office was headed by a bailiff who was appointed by the rulers.


The Ulfa court was part of the Hessian office of Stornfels , which had belonged to the Landgraviate of Hessen-Darmstadt since 1583 . It came to the von Pretlack family - probably under the Hessian lieutenant general Johann Rudolf Victor von Pretlack (1668–1737) .


The Ulfa Court included:


In court Ulfa was considered a particular law , the Common Law . It retained its validity even in the entire 19th century and was until 1 January 1900 by the same across the whole German Reich current Civil Code replaced.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ L. Ewald: Contributions to regional studies . In: Grand Ducal Central Office for State Statistics (ed.): Contributions to the statistics of the Grand Duchy of Hesse . Jonghaus, Darmstadt 1862, p. 50.
  2. Ulfa, Wetteraukreis . In: LAGIS : Historical local dictionary ; As of October 16, 2018.
  3. Stornfels, Wetterau district . In: LAGIS: Historical local dictionary ; As of October 16, 2018.
  4. Ulfa, Wetteraukreis . In: LAGIS: Historical local dictionary ; As of October 16, 2018.
  5. Arthur Benno Schmidt : The historical foundations of civil law in the Grand Duchy of Hesse . Curt von Münchow, Giessen 1893, p. Map.