Gerlach (Niederlahngau)

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Gerlach I († 1018 ) is attested in the years 1002 and 1013 as a count in Niederlahngau .

He was the successor, if perhaps not the direct, of the last Konradin in Niederlahngau, Eberhard († 966), Konrad Kurzbold's brother . Documentary evidence about him is very rare. After all, it is known that on October 31, 1002 King Heinrich II bequeathed "the town of Weilburg , located in the Lahngau in the county of Count Gerlach " to the episcopal church of Worms .

Gerlach's son Rembold, as Rembold I of Isenburg, was probably the founder of the Counts of Isenburg in the Westerwald .
