Germana Porcu

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Germana Porcu (born July 30, 1988 in Ghilarza , Sardinia) is an Italian violinist .

life and work

Germana Porcu began her musical studies with Felice Cusano in Fiesole and continued with Susanne Gessner in Paris and with Klaidi Sahatci in Lugano. She graduated from the Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali G. Donizetti in Bergamo with the highest honors . In 2010 she was awarded the Premio Rotary of the City of Bergamo as the best graduate . She took part in master classes with Igor Volochine , Svetlana Makarova and Pavel Vernikov . Porcu has won numerous prizes in music competitions, including first prizes in the chamber music competitionMiryam e Pierluigi Vacchelli and at the XI Concorso Internazionale di Musica Italian Festival as well as the 3rd prize at the 30th Concorso Internazionale per violinist Michelangelo Abbado . A first and second prize was not awarded in this competition. In 2013 she was named Most distinguished violinist at the World Music Competition Ibla Grand Prize . That year she also won a scholarship donated by Claudio Abbado .

Since then she has appeared in numerous international concerts as an orchestral soloist and in chamber music ensembles in Italy, Germany, France, Switzerland, Spain and China. Since 2006 she has played as a violinist in the Orchestra Bergamo Musica Festival of the Teatro Donizetti in Bergamo, with whom she has toured Italy, Japan and Sweden. Porcu gave film music concerts with works by Ennio Morricone with the Milanese Ensemble Duomo around the guitarist and arranger Roberto Porroni . In 2016 she founded the Trio Carducci together with the pianist Sara Costa and the cellist Matilda Colliard . With this trio she played the Trio élégiaque Nr. 1 by Sergei Rachmaninow . In April 2017 she won second prize with this trio at the '' Virtuoso Competition '' in London. In March 2018, the trio recorded a CD for Brilliant Classics with works by the Russian composer Anton Arensky . With the pianist Sara Costa she recorded all of the violin sonatas by the Danish composer Carl Nielsen for the Da Vinci Publishing label .

Porcu plays a violin from 1910 by Riccardo Antoniazzi , which is made available to her by the Fondazione Monzino in Milan, and a violin by the Linz violin maker Joseph Pauli , which is made available to her by a private individual.


  • Germana Porcu. In: Retrieved November 26, 2019 .
  • Germana Porcu. In: Retrieved November 27, 2019 (Italian).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i Germana Porcu In:
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Germana Porcu. In:
  3. ^ Meininger Musik (agency): Ensemble Duomo. Retrieved November 26, 2019 .