Gertrud Leibbrand

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Gertrud Leibbrand , b. Schneck, formerly Strohbach (born December 21, 1911 in Stuttgart ; † July 12, 2002 in Berlin ) was a German politician who joined the Communist Party of Germany ( KPD ) in 1930 .

Life and work

Gertrud Schneck was born as the daughter of the communist politician Karl Schneck and his wife Emma and grew up in Stuttgart in a communist environment. She finished middle school after the 9th grade and worked as a secretary and office clerk from 1927. During this time she joined the Communist Youth Association of Germany (KJVD) and the trade union (ZdA). In 1929 she moved to Halle (Saale) , where she was employed as an editorial secretary for the daily Klassenkampf . A year later she joined the Communist Party of Germany ( KPD ). She returned to Stuttgart in 1931 to work for the organizational secretariat of the KPD Württemberg. Due to her first marriage in 1932, she was given the family name Strohbach . With the beginning of the Nazi era , she was exposed to political persecution. Because of her political activities, she was imprisoned from March 1933 to September 1933 in the Stuttgart women's prison and then in the so-called Gotteszell women's protective custody camp near Schwäbisch Gmünd.

After the Second World War she continued her political work. From 1946 she worked as an editorial secretary for the magazine Das Neue Wort and was involved in the non-partisan Stuttgart women's committee. In 1947 she got a divorce. Between 1951 and 1953 she was a member of the KPD faction in the German Bundestag . She ended her mandate in order to move to the GDR with her two children, who were born in 1939 and 1942 . Here she married the KPD politician Robert Leibbrand in 1954 , who had previously also been a member of the Bundestag and had moved to the GDR two years earlier. In the GDR Leibbrand worked in the Committee for German Unity , professionally she dealt intensively with the topic "Women in work and society - the development in the two German states".

Gertrud Leibbrand was widowed from 1963, she died on July 12, 2002 in Berlin.

Political party

Leibbrand joined the socialist labor movement in 1927 and joined the KPD in 1930 , to which she belonged until it was banned in 1933. After 1945 she was again a member of the party. Since 1950 she has been the head of the women's secretariat in the state executive committee of the KPD Württemberg-Baden .


Leibbrand was a council member of the city ​​of Stuttgart after 1945 . She belonged to the German Bundestag from May 16, 1951, when she replaced the resigned MP Hermann Nuding , until 1953. It moved into parliament via the Württemberg-Baden state list.


  • Ina Hochreuther: Women in Parliament. Southwest German parliamentarians from 1919 until today. Stuttgart 2012, ISBN 978-3-923476-16-9

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Alfred Hausser: State Parliament Archive Baden-Württemberg . Documentation Women in Parliament, 2001.
  2. ^ Ina Hochreuther: Women in Parliament. Southwest German parliamentarians from 1919 until today. Stuttgart 2012, ISBN 978-3-923476-16-9 , pp. 466 .