Gerzayn Ugarte

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Gerzayn Ugarte Rodríguez (born January 31, 1881 in Terrenate , Tlaxcala , † 1940 ) was a Mexican ambassador .


His parents were Dolores Rodríguez and Apolinar Ugarte. He attended primary school in Huamantla , Tlaxcala, and the Preparatoria in Puebla . He became a teacher at a very young age.

The governor of Tlaxcala, Próspero Cahuantzi , took the dynamic face-to-face teacher into his service, where he became his private secretary.

Rodríguez was elected to the Tlaxcala State Parliament in 1908 and became editor of the newspaper La Antigua República .

He became a member of the Partido Democrático, where he became a supporter of Francisco Madero . When he came to power in 1911, Gerzayn Ugarte Rodríguez became a member of the federal parliament for the 26th legislative period. In May 1911 Ugarte became chairman of the bloque liberal renovador . In 1917 Gerzayn Ugarte sat in the constituent assembly.

He was an early companion and Secretario Particular of Venustiano Carranza . In parliament he was for the third constituency of Mexico City .

predecessor Office successor
Fernando Cuén Mexican Ambassador to Bogotá
February 20, 1919 to January 9, 1920
Antonio Mediz Bolio
Fernando Cuén Mexican ambassador to Caracas
based in Bogotá

July 22, 1919 to January 9, 1920
Salvador R. Guzman Esparza
Fernando Cuén Mexican ambassador in Quito
based in Bogotá

November 26, 1919 to January 9, 1920
Salvador R. Guzman Esparza

Individual evidence

  1. UNAM, Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, La Constitución mexicana de 1917 : ideólogos, el núcleo fundador y otros constituyentes, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1990, 483 p., P. 348
  2. ^ Charles Curtis Cumberland, Mexican Revolution: the constitutionalist years
  3. Embajadores de México
  4. Embajadores de México