Complete directory of the German-language Talmud edition

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The Talmud ( Hebrew : תלמוד, instruction, study ) is after the Tanach , the Hebrew Bible, the most important written work of Judaism . It is much larger than the Bible , with full editions running to nearly 10,000 pages in a dozen volumes.

The first and so far only complete and uncensored German translation of the Babylonian Talmud was published by Jüdischer Verlag in 1929–1936. The translation is by Lazarus Goldschmidt .

The following is the complete list of the German-language Talmud edition ( The Babylonian Talmud. After the first censorship-free edition, taking into account the more recent editions and handwritten material, translated into German by Lazarus Goldschmidt , Berlin 1929–1936):

Volume I.
Section I (Seder Zeraim - Of the Seeds )
I. Berakhoth (From the blessings ) 1
II. Pea ( vom Eckenlass ) 293
III. Demaj (From Demaj) 309
IV. Kilajim (From the Mixes) 323
V. Shebiith (from the seventh year ) 341
VI. Terumoth (From the Lifts) 361
VII. Maasroth (From the tithe ) 383
VIII. Maaser Sheni (From the second tithe) 395
IX. Halla (from the dough lifter) 409
X. Orla (from the uninitiated) 419
XI. Bikkurim (Of the First Fruits) 427
Androgynos (from the hermaphrodite ) 435
Section II (Seder Moed - Of the Holidays)
I. Shabbath (From the Sabbath ) 437
Volume II
II. Erubin (From the Association) 1
III. Pesahim (From Passover ) 311
IV. Sheqalim (From the Temple Tax ) 685
Volume III
V. Joma (From the Day of Atonement ) 1
VI. Sukkah (from the festival hut ) 265
VII. Yom Tob (Of the Festival ) 415
VIII. Rosh Hashanah (From New Years Festival ) 529
IX. Taanith (from fast days ) 635
Volume IV
X. Megilla (from the ester roll ) 1
XI. Moed Qatan (From the semi-festival) 133
XII. Hagiga (From the festival offering) 235
III. Section (Seder Nashim - Of the Women)
I. Jebamoth (from marriage in law ) 321
Volume V
II. Kethuboth (from his marriage ) 1
III. Nedarin (Of the Vows ) 369
IV. Nazir (From the Nasirate ) 541
Volume VI
V. Sota (From the Adultery Suspect ) 1
VI. Gittin (from divorce ) 187
VII. Qiddushin (of the ceremony ) 503
Volume VII
IV.Section (Seder Neziqin - On the Injuries)
I. Baba Qamma (First Gate) 1
II. Baba Metsia (Middle Gate) 427
Volume VIII
III. Baba Bathra (Last Gate) 1
IV. Synhedrin (From the Synedrium - First Half) 469
Volume IX
IV. Synhedrin (From the Synedrium - Second Half) 1
V. Makkoth (From the Flagellation) 149
VI. Shebuoth (On the Oath ) 237
VII. Edujoth (The Expressions) 403
VIII. Aboda Zara (Of Idolatry ) 431
IX. Aboth ( sayings of the fathers ) 663
X. Horajoth (From the decisions) 689
Volume X
V Section (Seder Qodasim - Of the Sanctuaries)
I. Zebahim (Of the sacrifices) 1
II. Menahoth (of the food offerings ) 383
Volume XI
III. Hulin (From the profane slaughter) 1
IV. Bekhoroth (From the firstborn) 449
V. Arakhin (From the Vow of Appreciation) 641
Volume XII
VI. Temura (from exchange) 1
VII. Kerethoth (From Extermination) 113
VIII. Meila (From the embezzlement) 243
IX. Tamid (of the constant sacrifice) 291
X. Middoth (From the temple crowds ) 317
XI. Qinnim (Of the pairs of pigeons) 331
VI. Section (Seder Taharoth - On Purity)
VII. Nidda (From Menstruation ) 341
I. Kilim (From the devices) 589
II. Ahiluth (from the bezeltung) 653
III. Negaim (from leprosy ) 691
IV. Para (from the red cow) 727
V. Taharoth (Of Purity ) 753
VI. Miqvaoth (from the diving bath ) 781
VIII. Makhshirin (Of Receptivity) 805
IX. Zabim (Of the rivery) 821
X. Tebul Jom (Of Immersion ) 833
XI. Jadajim (From the impurity of hands) 843
XII. Uqtsin (From the stems) 855

See also