Gianni Bartoli

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Gianni Bartoli (born August 4, 1900 in Rovinj (then Italian Rovigno ), † April 4, 1973 in Trieste ) was an Italian engineer and politician ( Democrazia Cristiana , DC).


After attending the secondary school in Trieste, Bartoli studied electromechanics at the Turin Polytechnic ( Politecnico ) from 1920 to 1926 . After graduating, he joined the Società Telefonica Veneta (Telve), initially in Venice and Pula , and from 1940 as its director in Trieste.

Bartoli joined the Democrazia Cristiana in 1943 and was its secretary in Trieste from 1945 to 1949. In the then Anglo-American administered territory of Trieste , he won the election as mayor of the city in 1949 and remained in this office until 1957. From 1965 to 1971 he was President of the then state-owned shipping company Lloyd Triestino .
